on โ01-06-2013 05:48 PM
I bought 4 x pairs of baby socks (each was one auction) and the postage from VIC to NSW was going to be $10 per pair. They 'discounted' it from $40 to $30. I asked a few questions and was given the okay to send my own pre-paid, pre-addressed 3kg bag (which cost me $11.70). Now they are refusing to put the bag in the post & want me to arrange collection. I"m in Sydney and they are in Melbourne.
I copied the part of the correspondence to ebay customer complaint.
(quote) Please organise some else to pick up this item and post it to you. I am sure you have experience with ebay and you know some people make extra money on postage just like i do. I will accept the plastic satchel but I am sorry I will not waste my time walking / drive to post the item this for nothing. Let me know when you have find the person to help you to post the item Thanks (end quote from seller)
Has anyone got a response from customer support about unfair behaivour/ bad service/ postage pirates?
note: I looked up their house on google maps and there is a post office less than 1km from their home. Love google maps.
on โ07-06-2013 01:01 AM
Hopefully this is what the boards are all abut...;-
kopes you are a legend....................;-).
on โ07-06-2013 07:46 AM
Ha! Well....there's always two sides to every story, and the buyer in this case chose to give you all limited information to make her plight seem like a fight against the tyranny of an evil seller. So lets get a few things straight:
It was not her request that was unreasonable, it was the way she went about it.... A few choice quotes from her correspondance for your reading pleasure:
After instructing us to obtain combined postage quotes, we then started to get lectures:
"I bought the Nowali shoes last year and still have the packaging so I know exactly the look and size of the shoes. If they are not in the plastic packages but in a large shoe box, then don't send with that, just take them out."
Thanks buyer.....any more edicts coming?
"As a 14 year veteran of ebay to a 3 week novice, your attitude to postage/ petrol/ time is out of sync with ebay practice. If a customer buys more than 1 item you automatically offer to combine, not add up the same postage. Any time/ cost/ petrol is accepted as the cost of doing business on ebay. A customer is not here to pay for your time..
There are two options.
1. Offer a reasonable combined postage (I expect a maximum of $15)
2. I can send a reply paid bag. Please send me your address. You will need to re-send the invoice, minus postage."
hmmmm yes, as you see above, there were more edicts in this buyer's repetoire. ...as a "14 year veteran of ebay to a 3 week novice" ....unbelievable (thanks for that rude, condescending attitude, you should know that if you want a reduced rate of postage over that offered in the listing - you contact the buyer to discuss......and not just demand it (rudely).
And so, it is with this poor attitude.....and rudeness, that this buyer lost my wife's trust and any interest in dealing with her reasonably. In the face of this rudeness, my wife simply reverted back to the terms of our agreement stated that the original terms of the listing apply - pay the postage (regretting we didn't make it higher at this stage given what a nasty piece of work this buyer is) - or pickup - period.
So, now that this buyers rudeness and bad attitude has been outed....is anyone still really suprised that she didn't get co-operation from us?
on โ07-06-2013 08:21 AM
what about the shill bidding?
on โ07-06-2013 08:32 AM
These "children's socks" as one writer so elequantly put it, retail for over $35 per pair, so this buyer's attitude over $7.50 postage (when she bought $140 of product for $45) also caused us raised eyebrows!
on โ07-06-2013 08:36 AM
Shill bidding is when you use another account to bid on auctions to artificially increase an items price. It is against ebays policies
on โ07-06-2013 08:39 AM
You must be wearing your invisibility cloak Kazbar ๐
on โ07-06-2013 08:53 AM
Here are a couple more, just in case.
on โ07-06-2013 08:57 AM
Did I mention that in the end we posted the item in the pre-paid bag and notified the buyer and received not a word of thanks? Oh yes, this thread is about rudeness isn't it!
on โ07-06-2013 08:58 AM
I think its moved on from rudeness and entered the world of dishonesty
on โ07-06-2013 09:07 AM
These "children's socks" as one writer so elequantly put it, retail for over $35 per pair, so this buyer's attitude over $7.50 postage (when she bought $140 of product for $45) also caused us raised eyebrows!
First and Foremost, eBay have something known as an Excessive Postage and Handling Policy.
Secondly, it is irrelevant at what price anything retails, this is eBay, the buyer pays whatever is the BIN price as listed. makes an offer where applicable or is thew highest bidder at auction.
If the buyer happens to secure an item at a price lower than retail, then that is their good fortune. The seller, if unhappy with that price needs to suck it up and smile sweetly as they should not have listed the product for anything less than what they were prepared to accept.
And as for the buyer's attitude over $7.50 PER PAIR of socks - her "attitude" was over $30 for a package under 3 kg which costs $11.75 - $13 to post, and I might be going out on a limb here, but given that they are socks, I don't imagine that you would need very much packaging material.
The above my friend, is where any "attitude" from the buyer arose. However, I asked you a polite question through one of your listings and it was your response which I found to be quite rude, so I can just imagine the kinds of PM's that were exchanged that elicited the above responses from the buyer.
I'll leave someone else to deal with the shill bidding.