Is this seller a scammer? – Sherlock please help!


Hello to all!


I need some input from experienced Ebayers please!


I have a problem with a seller who comes up with all sorts of explanations as to why he has not sent my item yet.

History: 16 days ago I bought a laptop for about 100** dollars. Before buying I contacted the seller via “ask the seller a question” for some information on the item. It was not quite suitable and I received a return email with an offer of another laptop, which he allegedly had just listed. I had a look and could not find it in the “see other sellers items list” so he sent me the item number and I found it but it was not suitable either. I unfortunately cant remember under which name this listing was. Maybe he has more than 2 Ids.

I then decided to auction the first laptop I had enquired about. I won the bid, paid straight away online with funds transfer. **The same day** I received an email of the seller asking wether I had paid and which way I had paid. I gave him the information.

I then contacted him with an ebay email and asked him to pack the item safely and if he needed more money I would pay for extra packaging costs. He agreed and I sent an additional amount of 20 dollars via funds transfer, which he must have received on 14th of May.

In-between 11 May and 14th may I received an ebay-email, which said the item, was sent.

On 17th May I received an automated email that the laptop was relisted for sale again. This message probably only came to me because I still had the item stored in “my watch list”. I had a look and it was the identical laptop with the identical text but it had an additional “By Now” option of 200** dollars.

(Interessting: The day he relisted the laptop he also had created a second ID name. His listings and emails started to appear all under his new name.)

I contacted the seller why he is reselling my laptop and he said it is another laptop that looks similar. Not much later I received an automated ebay email that my sale was cancelled and that I should click to get a refund, which I didn’t do.

On inquiry the seller told me that this cancellation was a mistake and I would receive my laptop.


My laptop didn’t turn up and I contacted the seller on 25th May (which is a fortnight from purchase) with ebay email: Item not received.

He answered (with various types of email headers) that due to a sick child and thats why he is away from home until 29th of May and he can’t send it now but only on 29th of May. (How does he know that his sick child will be ok again on 29th?) He also offered me a refund. I declined the refund and said that 29th was too late I needed it earlier.


Then I had a look again on his rating page and found (out of 7 ratings) 1 bad rating where a buyer complained that he had won the item fairly but was not sent the item. The item sold for 1 dollar at auction, which was obviously not good enough for the seller, so he relisted the already sold item.

Maybe the price of 100 dollars for my laptop wasn’t high enough either and that’s why the seller relisted it unaware of the fact that I would receive a “relisted” mail.


On his rating page the last item sold on 21 May and was rated afterwards. This either means to me, that he was at home at least until 21 of May (why didn’t he sent the laptop then in the previous 10 days 11 May till 21 May?) or that he is listing items, buys them himself and gives himself ratings. The latter would make sense given that several items that had already sold (for example a water kettle / no rating appeared) and it was relisted again. The toe bar which the complaining buyer didn’t receive was relisted as well.

 He also made a comment on the phone that he needs good ratings. He said that he had problems with a buyer who didnt sent his money and thats why ebay now has a look into (all?) his emails.

Could this seller already have a hidden bad history?


After declining the refund I received again an email saying that I would receive the laptop when he is back home after his relative is out of hospital. This time he didn’t tell me a date. I found this answer to vague and sent another email to tell me a correct date when I will receive the laptop.


I am currently waiting for the answer, but I think I might have got caught up with a scammer.


Another worry is, that more people might get scammed possibly under various ID’s.


When he listed my laptop first time he had zero ratings (I thought I give him a fair go)

6 days later 17th May he changed his name. I had a look at the ID page and there were 2 names listed now. From then on I had to deal with him under his new ID.


During a short phone call he told me he needs good ratings because he had trouble with a buyer who didn’t want to send him his money and therefore Ebay now has access to all his emails.


On the whole I have exchanged about 35 emails with him. 


Ladies and gents, I need your opinion please!


Could this possibly be a scammer?

I am not an experienced buyer here on Ebay Australia and would like to know where the pitfalls are also in regards to missing time limits and using the correct request forms for further action.


Thanks for reading my long text and thanks for your input!

Message 1 of 77
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Is this seller a scammer? – Sherlock please help!

"You can open an Item Not Received case on eBay, which has a chance of getting you somewhere "

Thanks for that advice! I have already done that. And I also have a case number . The communication goes back and forth between me and the seller. Ebay itself is not part of the communication there.

Message from seller on 24th of may was he will send the item on 29th of May.
Today 27th May he tells me he will send it to me when he is back home but he doesnt know when that will be.

I wrote back that this is not an acceptable answer.

Wait and see what will happen....
Message 21 of 77
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Is this seller a scammer? – Sherlock please help!

Don't waste your time with this seller.....he has no intention of sending the item.


You can hardly report him to the online fraud squad when you are still negotiating with him.  If you eventually get your money back it is not fraud.

Message 22 of 77
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Is this seller a scammer? – Sherlock please help!

".........if you paid online via bank transfer you might have a recipt number ( im not 100% on that), report it to acorn after a reasonable time frame has passed ( just incase you do recive it) but my gut feeling is that wont happen. ......"

Thanks for your input! I defenitely have a copy of the online transaction. I think it might even be a "print screen" copy.

1. where would I find a receipt number

2, What is "acorn" and where do i find it please?
Message 23 of 77
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Is this seller a scammer? – Sherlock please help!

"You can hardly report him to the online fraud squad when you are still negotiating with him. If you eventually get your money back it is not fraud."

Yes, I agree with you. I had no intention of taking any action in regards to "scamming" during negotiation period. But there will soon come a time where I will have to make an informed decision and thats why I am glad that I get infos here.

I suspect I wont get the item and I also wont get a refund...but wait and see, I will report back 🙂
Message 24 of 77
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Is this seller a scammer? – Sherlock please help!

@ lyndal 1838

Quote "The OP says the seller cancelled the transaction "

What does OP mean please?

And how can you see the OP.

Sorry for the dumb question....I am learning by the second
Message 25 of 77
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Is this seller a scammer? – Sherlock please help!

“I am trying to find a reason why you would not accept a refund when it was first offered as it was pretty obvious they were not going to send you anything and it wasn't exactly what you wanted anyway.”
The refund was only offered a few days ago in an non automated email of the seller. With his excuse that he is away from home because he has a sick child it is not 100% clear to me wether this is an excuse or wether this is for real. That’s why I wanted to wait and see wether he will send me the item as he had promised several times before.
As for not knowing about disputes etc. when you see the payments page it clearly says that Paypal has buyer protection but bank deposit has none,
This is true! But when I bought I didn’t go for the pay pal option because I don’t have a pay pal account and I don’t want one. At this stage I was not aware that I could pay with pay pal and debit card, that’s why I chose the bank deposit option.
As you were buying from an apparently inexperienced seller why would you completely ignore the fact that you would have no buyer protection if things went wrong.
At that time it was not quite clear to me that I was dealing outside this protection. As I said, I read a lot on ebay, but I didn’t understand it all. Besides that English is not my first language, which makes it quite a bit harder.
Don’t misunderstand me, I am not here to winge, I am here to get information about the situation and advice from people with more experience than I have. This will also help me in the future for further transactions.
All you can do now is email the seller giving your bank details and hope they are honest enough to refund you. Other than that your only recourse would be putting in a report to the on line fraud department of your state police system.
I wanted to avoid giving my bank details. He already has got my name, my address, my phonnumber…..I am thinking of identity fraud…! But a refund could also be done in a different way I guess.

Is this for real?? Is there actually a online fraud department ?? (See, it is worth reading all the postings, I learn stuff that I have never heard of before 🙂
Message 26 of 77
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Is this seller a scammer? – Sherlock please help!

Good point - I forgot about the cancellation, so I don't know if opening a case is possible (I guess it depends on the status of the cancellation if the buyer indicates they didn't receive a refund - I have no idea, unfortunately, as I've only sent them before payment was made, or in conjunction with a refund), but if it is possible I'd open one, for a few reasons, and because it would make an official record of the issue.

Thats a good information thanks! I have no clue how to open a "case".

Would it be usefull to post another question header on this subject?

Does anyone know links that I can read before asking more questions about opening a "case"???
Message 27 of 77
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Is this seller a scammer? – Sherlock please help!

Just a couple of points regarding the above response, you needn't concern yourself with identity theft insofar as it is perfectly safe to give the seller your bank account details so that he can refund your payments, so don't worry about that aspect of things. Just get in touch with him and request that he refund both payments to your bank account, and hope like mad that he's honest enough to do so.

The other point wanted to mention is that you mention above that you intend making further transactions through eBay. If so, you absolutely MUST sign up for a Paypal account as it is by far the most commonly used safe payment method on eBay, and all purchases should be made through your Paypal account so that you are covered in the event of non-delivery or an incorrect item.

Under no circumstances should you ever pay a seller via direct debit because as has already been stated, there is absolutely no protection available and if the seller decides to keep your money and fails to send your item, there's essentially nothing you can do, and your bank can't help you either. Please, don't buy anything else until you've organised a Paypal account.
Message 28 of 77
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Is this seller a scammer? – Sherlock please help!

@rosasumpfbrumsel wrote:
@ lyndal 1838

Quote "The OP says the seller cancelled the transaction "

What does OP mean please?

And how can you see the OP.

Sorry for the dumb question....I am learning by the second

OP means either the Original Poster (you) or Original Post (the first post where you have explained your problem) depending on the context.

In the context quoted above it means Original

Message 29 of 77
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Is this seller a scammer? – Sherlock please help!

@rosasumpfbrumsel wrote:

All you can do now is email the seller giving your bank details and hope they are honest enough to refund you. Other than that your only recourse would be putting in a report to the on line fraud department of your state police system.
I wanted to avoid giving my bank details. He already has got my name, my address, my phonnumber…..I am thinking of identity fraud…! But a refund could also be done in a different way I guess.

Is this for real?? Is there actually a online fraud department ?? (See, it is worth reading all the postings, I learn stuff that I have never heard of before 🙂

There is no problem giving your bank details so the seller can refund you.  Don't forget that is how you paid the seller so you have his details as well.


How else do you think the seller can refund you?  He is most unlikely to send you a bank cheque or a postal order as they would cost him a lot of money and time to organise it.  If you want any chance of getting your refund you need to make it as easy as possible for the seller.  If you do open a paypal account you receive refunds through it as well as make payments.  In fact, if you use paypal to pay that is the only way a seller should refund you and if you open a dispute and win it, ebay or paypal will refund your money to your paypal account.


Yes, there is an online fraud squad....each state has one and you have already been given the official government site ACORN....Google it and learn all about it.


You say you don't want a paypal account.....sorry to be blunt but if you are not prepared to try and protect yourself when buying on ebay then you will find the responders on these boards will not be gentle with you.  It is complete madness to go putting your hard earned money into a stranger's bank account with no hope of getting it back if things go wrong.

Your comment that you did not know you could use a debit card through paypal shows that you did not even investigate it as a payment option.

Using a credit card or Visa debit card on paypal gives you the best possible protection.  If an ebay or paypal dispute goes wrong you have the option of doing a chargeback through your bank.

Message 30 of 77
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