Item got lost during transition to Global Shipping Center

I'm buyer from Australia, recently purchased an item from UK seller, who sent the parcel from France to UK Global Shipping Center while she was on holiday in France. 

According to the tracking number she provided, item has been delivered to GSP, Pitney Bowes warehouse on 24th Apr 2019. 
However within 5 days, GSP/Pitney Bowes did not take any actions. So sent an email to Pitney Bowes's GSP support, they claimed they haven't received it in their wearhouse. It has been a week since the delivery so I'm 100 percent the packgage got lost. But this kind of International parcel normally required signature, successful delivery meant someone must have signed and accepted the package.
Neither me nor seller is at fault, I feel very little chance getting my money back from eBay.
Does anyone here share the same experience?
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Re: Item got lost during transition to Global Shipping Center

I am sure that I've mentioned purchasing a gorgeous Emile Henry crown bread baker; it arrived broken. Both the base and the lid were destroyed. It had been repackaged by the forwarding company - and I hasten to add that it wasn't PB, and this wasn't through the GSP.


I repurchased, choosing the "don't repackage" option.


This second one also arrived broken. (However, this time it was the lid only; the base itself was undamaged.)


I'm about to purchase the lid itself separately. This time I'll be asking the company to package with extreme care, and I'll ask the fowarding company to add extra bubblewrap and to double-box it.


Fortunately the goods were insured, and I suppose I'm fortunate that this is a new item rather than an antique. If I purchased an antique that arrived in similar broken condition, I would be so upset that I'd catch a flight to Oregon, head to the forwarding company's address, and proceed to beat up the repackaging staff with a violent carrot.


Emile Henry crown bread baker



Poor repackaging is not specific to PB.


High freight costs are not specific to the GSP.


Buyers and sellers both have their own array of options, and that's just part and parcel of international buying.

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Re: Item got lost during transition to Global Shipping Center

@4channel wrote:

So again, we have another example of a buyer having a bad experience via Pitney Bowes. if the parcel / package / whatever was sent via usual post, it wouldn't have been damaged. buyer would probably have it now and be happy.

Wow, that's a bold statement.  

Message 152 of 155
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Re: Item got lost during transition to Global Shipping Center

@*tippy*toes* wrote:

There's that mention of the very rare DVD's again, that were so rare the seller had another copy. Probably were just a copy.



Yes, the dvd set was very rare. Only two sets I have ever seen were from that seller. No copies! Silver-backed professionally produced dvds. Lucky the seller had an extra set and supplied those free of charge out of her own pocket to replace the ones that were damaged when sent via that Pitney Bowes' GSP.

Never seen the dvd's before buying from that seller and never seen them since.


@*tippy*toes* wrote:


I've never had anything damaged by GSP, but I've certainly had stuff damaged beyond repair that came via USPS. One was an ultra rare video tape where by the seller didn't have to replace it. It was completely smashed beyond anything, with tape strewn everywhere. The seller had clearly packed it well, but it appeared to have gone under the wheel of something given the tyre tack over it.

Well,I'm glad you've never had anything damaged by GSP and hope you never do!  Well, I know how you feel about that ultra rare video tape. That could have happened to me with the mint sealed ultra rare video tapes I had. The Pitney Bowes re-packing was rough and by a lazy person.


Gosh, sounds like the parcel went through the mincer. They would have had to wrap the strewn tape around the parcel to hold it together by the sound of it.  Did you ever find another copy of the tape?



Message 153 of 155
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Re: Item got lost during transition to Global Shipping Center

Hell no! Never found another copy of that tape. I was shattered, and so was the seller. That's how super, ultra rare it was. It was such a damned waste. No second copies or anything. The seller was going to try and get compensation from USPS, but I never heard back whether they were successful or not. I sent pretty damning photos, so hopefully they got something back from them (I got a full refund, even though it wasn't the seller's fault).

Message 154 of 155
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Re: Item got lost during transition to Global Shipping Center

@*tippy*toes* wrote:

Hell no! Never found another copy of that tape. I was shattered, and so was the seller. That's how super, ultra rare it was. It was such a damned waste. No second copies or anything. The seller was going to try and get compensation from USPS, but I never heard back whether they were successful or not. I sent pretty damning photos, so hopefully they got something back from them (I got a full refund, even though it wasn't the seller's fault).

Gosh, sorry to hear that. Some stuff on video has never and will never make it to DVD. Also the original film stocks of many films up to the 1970s and even 1980s have been dumped or destroyed. One film company, or rather whoever brought the rights to a defunct film company that pumped out a lot of B grade films in the 1960s and 1970s destroyed much of the film stock so that they could re-use the reels. So sad that it's been lost forever.


You probably already know this too *tippy*toes*, there are some collectors that will pay through the nose for rare video tapes. Some even for rare slicks. That makes it harder to get hold of some stuff.  Some time back I picked up a rare actioner from the early 1990s. Seller had 2 new but unsealed copies. I got one and then later thought that I should have got them both as this was the first time I ever saw it on tape and even PAL. Heck, the laser disc in the US is ultra rare. But then again, it was snapped up by someone else and hopefully someone that will preserve it.


Anyway, keep your eyes peeled. Sometimes a rarity comes around a second time. Just when you least expect it.


There are a couple of things I haven't given up on finding. Smiley Frustrated
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