Item marked as Sent

Hi there. I just bought an item from a seller who had a two day timeframe on her listing in which to post and its already marked as sent. Now I know the post office isnt open today. Its got a tracking number which I assume is from the pre-paid sachel? I guess its been done so she doesnt get a defect. Anyway Im asking about this because I sold two things yesterday & I dont mark them as sent until I actually send them which will be tomorrow. Any answers appreciated.
Message 1 of 40
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Re: Item marked as Sent

Yes, they were 'tracked',  Ebay's auto bot is stupid as I said previously, because it's more often now, being used to delay the actual post time by certain sellers. But the 1 star will be a solution if delayed more than 2 days.  Thankfully not all Sellers play that game.

Message 21 of 40
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Re: Item marked as Sent

That is a bit unfair. I can see no evidence that it is being used that way. It is of no benefit to the seller to delay posting.

Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.
Message 22 of 40
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Re: Item marked as Sent

Obviously there is, less trips to the P.O.
I'm not the only one noticing this, other people I know, including in the USA have experienced the same and are just as annoyed. Why else would I bother writing here? I rarely do. 😕
Message 23 of 40
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Re: Item marked as Sent

I've been wondering.


Trips to the post office is not an issue. Most sellers have a business and are going to the post office daily anyway, or get their products picked up. Delaying posting only mucks up your systems and gives no benefits at all.


People who only sell the occasional item may only go into town to the PO once or twice a week and and reflect that in their handling time, which is what you should be focussing on to get your product quicker, not the posting time. Giving one stars for late deliveries from Aus Post delays which are not the sellers fault will only get you blocked by many sellers.


Delaying posting deliberately is so rare that it is not worth worrying about.

Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.
Message 24 of 40
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Re: Item marked as Sent

I realise I did get slightly off topic as you were first complaining about Ebays policy of marking things sent as soon as the seller buys the postage for the iten but before it is sent, but that was answered earlier.


Please stop blaming sellers for this.

Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.
Message 25 of 40
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Re: Item marked as Sent

Obviosly you are a seller, trying to convince me (and others), I am making all this up, because I gon’t have anything better to do.  Whatever!  My complaint is legit, and it’s happened way, too often in the past couple of months, there ARE sellers waiting days before posting!  Most aren’t ‘small’ time sellers, they have 1000’s of feedback. They could post on time but they don’t!, Ebay gave them a loophole and they are exploiting it, guess their reason all you like, it doesn’t change my experience one iota. Smiley Mad


Message 26 of 40
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Re: Item marked as Sent

But are the sellers posting within their handling time?


Sellers can have a 7 day handling time but prepare the parcel the day it is ordered.

You have no legitimate complaint if the parcel is posted within the 7 days.


But what does it matter wen it is posted as long as it arrives within the ebay estimated delivery time?

Message 27 of 40
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Re: Item marked as Sent

I always pay immediately, I don’t stuff around for days, seller has my money, I expect the same courtesy, most do, many lately do not, take 7 days??  I wouldn’t use again, simple, there are plenty more to choose from, so ‘’list’ me, LOL.  


I’ve been an Ebay member for just over 21 years, long enough to know when something has changed regarding postal times slackness & make mention of it, my perogative, up to others what they do or don’t like.


Put ‘sent’ when it’s not = 1 Star for slow posting from now on, no excuse for actual posting time to be any longer than a couple of days or over the weekend.  

Didn’t used to happen for past 20 yrs, this year it has, so not going to accept waiting so long now.    

eg. of normal time.....Parcel arrived today Syd-Brisb four days after purchase date. He marked sent, posted next day, all good.  I knew when to be here to collect.  Ok, I’m done with this topic. 👋🏻

Message 28 of 40
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Re: Item marked as Sent

I have been on Ebay for that long also and I have noticed that postage is shorter than it used to be years ago. Seems it is just our perspective not facts.

BTW, I am a buyer not a seller on Ebay.


Are you going to keep this futile anger going much longer?

Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.
Message 29 of 40
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Re: Item marked as Sent

@cyberdolls wrote:



Put ‘sent’ when it’s not = 1 Star for slow posting from now on, no excuse for actual posting time to be any longer than a couple of days or over the weekend.  


That's totally unfair when it's eBay that automatically marks items "sent" as soon as a eBay postage label is generated. Also if the item is actually sent within the sellers handling time they've done nothing wrong at all.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 30 of 40
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