No help to resolve item not delivered

I purchased item 4 months ago... it was marked as delivered... but NOT  Australia to me. I open resolution and seller says he resent another and asked me to close case. I did in good faithe last November... and nothingf came and ebay has case marked as closed and I cant reopen.. I asked for refund 3x

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Re: No help to resolve item not delivered

Registered in China with horrid feedback?



I am not sure why you would close a case in good faith



You say you closed the case but then you say eBay did?


If you close a case then that’s it


once you do so, it cannot be reopened


And you do not need to close a case because a dodger seller says so



What was was the address it was marked as delivered to?


Yours but you did not actually get it?


Random address?


Some kind of mid way distribution point if it was indeed sent from overseas?




What was the item number and how did you pay? 




In future, follow the correct process of all the tools eBay give buyers and you will have all the help that comes with them 


Message 2 of 8
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Re: No help to resolve item not delivered

In Europe with 100% feedback.

I get your sarcasm in answer, so what you are saying it's basically my fault. I will go through paypal


No Midway address at all.


Message 3 of 8
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Re: No help to resolve item not delivered

Take it as you please


You were asked basic information because you did not include enough for other members to know what advice to give


You also said you closed the case but then changed your story to it had been marked closed  by eBay


In 99.9% of cases where an item does not arrive and the seller says they will send another one when/if the buyer closes the case against them, the seller is in China. Oldest trick in the book 





If that is sarcasm, so be it



I do not do the ego stroking, head patting diddums answers that some people here do


(Outcome remains the same) 



Message 4 of 8
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Re: No help to resolve item not delivered

Your only choice now is to open a dispute through PayPal. You have 180 days from the sale date to open a dispute. Make sure you show that the tracking is showing delivered to a destination that isn't yours. Do not EVER close a dispute on say so from a seller. They say that they can't refund while a dispute is open, that is all lies.


If you funded your purchase with a credit card, you can try a chargeback if the PayPal dispute fails. Do PayPal first though.

Message 5 of 8
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Re: No help to resolve item not delivered

@glenardan wrote:

I purchased item 4 months ago... it was marked as delivered... but NOT  Australia to me. I open resolution and seller says he resent another and asked me to close case. I did in good faithe last November... and nothingf came and ebay has case marked as closed and I cant reopen.. I asked for refund 3x

If anything like this happens again, have a look at the terms & conditions for the dispute. There should be a guide as to timeline etc.

If you need to open a dispute and a seller asks you to close it, just reply that you will need the item or the refund by (insert an appropriate date) before you will do that.

And follow through. The trouble with caving in and closing in good faith is even if the seller really did resend (though I don't think they did in this case), you are cutting off one resolution pathway if anything goes wrong with that second delivery. And it could, if the first one went astray.

Also, by cancelling your case, you took pressure off the seller. Some people say they will do things and may even mean it at the time but the minute you take away consequences, they slacken off. I personally think your seller though was trying delaying tactics in the hope you'd give up or perhaps not know about being able to make a paypal claim.


So go for it, give them a little lesson.

Message 6 of 8
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Re: No help to resolve item not delivered

Sorry this happened, but Ebay does give you all the tools you need to either get your item or your money back.

You really need to follow the date guidelines for opening disputes as well as opening the correct case (which is not always straightforward).


Never, ever let a seller string you along for any reason whatsoever - some Chinese sellers are notorious for this.

"Good faith" is just some seller relying on the good nature and gullibility of buyers.

Message 7 of 8
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Re: No help to resolve item not delivered

@sandypebbles wrote:

Take it as you please


You were asked basic information because you did not include enough for other members to know what advice to give


You also said you closed the case but then changed your story to it had been marked closed  by eBay


In 99.9% of cases where an item does not arrive and the seller says they will send another one when/if the buyer closes the case against them, the seller is in China. Oldest trick in the book 





If that is sarcasm, so be it



I do not do the ego stroking, head patting diddums answers that some people here do


(Outcome remains the same) 



Neither do most of the long term regulars ( I said most, not all), but there is absolutely no need to be aggressive and abrupt to someone asking for help. Yes, there are tools available, but if someone has never had to use them, there is a better than even chance they didn't know about them. That's why they come here asking for help. If they knew absolutely everything eBay related, then they wouldn't come here asking for help.


You often give good advice, but you really need to curb the abruptness of a lot of your posts. You were much friendlier when you were posting with your selling ID.

Message 8 of 8
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