on โ18-10-2013 11:07 PM
Does anyone know why a parcel from Miami FL would go to Denmark first on it's way to australia. It was sent USPS first class.
โ18-10-2013 11:22 PM - edited โ18-10-2013 11:23 PM
No. But I would hazard a guess that'operator error' played a big part.
Do you have it?
If you do, what is the issue? If not, as you obviously have tracking on it, where is it currently?
โ18-10-2013 11:24 PM - edited โ18-10-2013 11:25 PM
Has it gone sightseeing on the way? I've got a parcel that's been sitting in Hawaii for a few days.
on โ18-10-2013 11:59 PM
on โ19-10-2013 12:06 AM
on โ19-10-2013 12:13 AM
Are you sure it is Denmark the country or might it be Denmark in South Carolina.
Not every state has facilities for internatiional freight...it might be on its way to somewhere that can dispatch it to Australia.
on โ20-10-2013 10:44 AM
October 14, 2013 , 9:33 am Processed Through Sort Facility DENMARK
This is all it says.
on โ21-10-2013 04:21 AM
The item is being sent from the USA by USPS with tracking on the US site....I think it is reasonble to assume that it is still in the USA not on some international sight seeing tour.
on โ21-10-2013 10:51 AM
It does look like it has left the US. If denmark was in the US it would have the state after it. It's also been 2 day from departing miami to demark.
October 14, 2013 , 9:33 am Processed Through Sort Facility DENMARK
October 12, 2013 , 6:35 am Processed Through Sort Facility ISC MIAMI FL (USPS)
October 12, 2013 Depart USPS Sort Facility MIAMI, FL 33112
October 11, 2013 , 4:19 pm Processed through USPS Sort Facility MIAMI, FL 33112
October 11, 2013 , 4:19 pm Arrived at Sort Facility ISC MIAMI FL (USPS)
October 7, 2013 Electronic Shipping Info Received
โ21-10-2013 11:16 AM - edited โ21-10-2013 11:16 AM
Odd detours happen with my parcels every now and then - I've had quite a few sent from the US that went to New Zealand before arriving in Oz, and one that went to Spain.
But in saying that, it's plausible that the address was misread (or labeled) as Austria, as Denmark is on the coastline and only around 1400 k's from there, plus it wouldn't be the first time.
I'd make a quick enquiry with the seller to see if they're able to confirm some details, or chase up the parcel location.