on โ23-10-2014 01:45 AM
Bought a second hand iphone 4s $360.00 .
The phone was described as in excellent condition,however the battery was failing so I ordered another battery for it.
When I went to replace the battery there are 4 screws that need removing, 2 to open the case and 2 that hold the battery in.
One of the threads of the screws to remove the battery had previously been damaged which made it impossible for me to remove the battery.
The seller told me to bring it to a shop to get it fixed, I asked who was to pay for that and that I could buy a refurbished model for under $400.00.
How can an item descibed as being in excellent condition have a failing battery and a wrecked scew?
I spoke to payal on the phone, they approved to refund with an email so I ordered another phone.
The seller contested it and I sent screenshots of the seller and my email conversations.
They then reversed their dececion.
I will be out of pocket, not only will I need to sell one of the phones, but the other I will need to pay to get repaied.
Where's the buyer protection? Should I go to VCAT?
on โ23-10-2014 01:18 PM
I already asked my friend yesterday to video tape me while I'm at the post office. I will have the phone still connected to the network. And I will restore factory setting whilst I'm at the post office.To prove I sent back a functioning phone. Also we will be taking photos. Don't worry about that, I alreadythought aboutthe deceptivness of this selling. Oh and no airmail, he's across town.
on โ23-10-2014 02:31 PM
@puppoochi wrote:Oh and no airmail, he's across town.
Making Express a pointless waste of money no matter what you were sending.
on โ23-10-2014 02:34 PM
Including the postcode means NOTHING. Didn't you read the paypal T&C that someone quoted?
They need the delivery ADDRESS! and video taping at the post office FGS. Just follow the letter of the rules EXACTLY and it will be fine. Why you are going off on all of these tangents and not actually doing what paypal asks for just leaves me utterly bewildered.
โ23-10-2014 02:40 PM - edited โ23-10-2014 02:41 PM
Sorry to contradict you, but for Paypal purposes, the postcode is sufficient proof of sending it to the address. But by all means, the OP should ring them and check for herself, perhaps you may wish to also.
on โ23-10-2014 07:28 PM
The postcode only is fine for cheaper items but for over a certain value you need proof of sending to the recipient's address as given by Paypal.
You cannot send a mobile phone by express post, they must be sent by regular parcel post with a road only sticker on it.
If you send it express and AP find out what is in the parcel you could be in serious trouble.
For your own protection send it as a regular parcel with signature on delivery, extra insurance and a road only sticker.
on โ23-10-2014 07:39 PM
I hope you have a brick wall handy PJ....you may need it if the earlier posts in this thread are anything to go by.
on โ24-10-2014 09:55 PM
the video is to proove that the phone is in working order just in case the seller wants to say otherwise. The seller is not honest and I wouldn't be surprised if he decides to get revenge, damage the phone himself and take me to VCAT. And please don't get angry at me for having misunderstood about the postage. I'll send the parcel by registered mail. Hey what happens if he decides to not accept the parcel when it's delivered? He's already contacted me and told me not to send it back because he intends to take the matter further.
on โ24-10-2014 10:56 PM
There is no registered mail for parcels any more.....you need to use tracking and Signature on Delivery.
It does not matter whether the seller accepts the parcel or not. If you upload the paperwork to paypal showing that the parcel was sent to the address that paypal gave you and it can be tracked to that address then you will get your refund or it goes to the ombudsman.
But I cannot stress enough that you must show the parcel being tracked to the exact address given to you by paypal....not a postcode, no photos of it being posted....just the tracked paypal provided address.
on โ24-10-2014 11:48 PM
thank you so much, I will do that. And I thank everyone that has given me great advice, I really do appreciate it.
I will follow your advice about the postage, and I do appologize for not being too smart about understanding the return postage thing, please don't be angry with me.
I am however curious about the seller none the less. He sounded like the kind of guy that will take you to court because he tripped over a tree root. I will be happy to share my communications with him.
on โ25-10-2014 06:51 AM
@puppoochi wrote:He's already contacted me and told me not to send it back because he intends to take the matter further.
I am however curious about the seller none the less. He sounded like the kind of guy that will take you to court because he tripped over a tree root. I will be happy to share my communications with him.
It's very probably the same tactic used by the seller to get Paypal to overturn the reversal, which you then negated by following cq's suggestion and effectively doing the same.
Honestly OP, there's no need to worry yourself over that at this very early stage. There's a very long way to go yet before they would resort to direct legal action even if they intended to. It's purely a bullying tactic for now, nothing more.
Plenty of people resort to it when they're not getting their own way, they're just hoping the mere threat of your possibly having to defend a potentially expensive (in costs) litigation might be enough to 'persuade' you to submit/settle. More often than not it's only a gambit, a bluff, but ofc not always. It's important to remember that litigation can be just as expensive to pursue as to defend, whilst threatening letters only cost the price of a stamp, and emails not even that. A stamp (preferable to an email) is usually all it takes to nip many such gambits in the bud, of those that persist a registered letter then takes care of most of the rest. But for you at this point, it's not even an issue as yet. (please note: you should always seek your own legal advice when it is warranted. This is not legal advice, nor will you find any legal advice on these boards.)
For now though, let paypal know of any threats of direct legal action he is conveying to you. There is a process underway and that process is being managed by Paypal, let them manage it,