Purchase never sent

I have purchased an item that was never sent by the seller. I have tried to contact the seller multiple times without success... I can't find a way to bring eBay into my issue... What should I do?

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Re: Purchase never sent

lucky for you that it wasn't hundreds of dollars 👍

in the future if you're unsure, come to these boards straight away

Message 11 of 13
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Re: Purchase never sent

I guess I got betrayed by my own luck dealing within eBay for years without a single problem... While it was an enjoyable journey, it left me without the needed skills or knowledge to act fast in cases like this...🤦. It's just inconceivable to me someone would just not even bother to send the item...


As someone else pointed out earlier today, the seller's reputation was very dodgy to start with... But this is in hindsight now...


Thanks 😉

Message 12 of 13
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Re: Purchase never sent

Unfortunately, like most platforms, Ebay has both buyers and sellers who do the wrong thing.

These boards are full of stories from both sides.


Hope you are at least able to get a refund from Paypal.

Message 13 of 13
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