I have caught out a EBAY TOP RATED SELLER in building products on shill bidding and Ebay do not care.  I have been a detective for the past 12 hours identifying that this is what he is doing, and have informed them of his criminal actions which they regard as & call only a policy violation.  Their investigation department doesn't even have phone support just email (that is how little they care).  I sent him an email late last night stating he is a shill bidder & I am retracting my bids and since then strange things have disappeared from his site including he has closed down auctions.  

Message 1 of 14
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@modestbods wrote:

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

Be careful.

I would now add him to your BBL so he cannot buy one of your items to leave a retaliatory negative.


Every listing has a report function and a topic specifically for shilling under fraudulent activity.

Often it can appear as shilling but isn't. However if he is pulling listings, that sounds suspicious.

He could be pulling listings as a result of the OP retracting their bids;

> to be fair to other bidders that had their highest bids exposed by the OPs bidding,

> or to avoid being suspected/accused by the other bidders of shill bidding via the OPs ID... & if that seems farfetched?  see here >>

> or because with the OP bidding it up early on via a bidding war to $1900 it very possibly scared off other potential bidders that may have bid over the $140 highest bid (that it reverted to following the OPs retractions) if they had the opportunity, which given that the retractions came very late in the auction it would not have afforded much time for others to find/see that there was such an opportunity to bid within their budget after all.



 It's interesting to note that the OP only seems to have become suspicious AFTER having a change of mind following their builder offering to make the same thing cheaper. The term 'blame shifting' comes to mind.

* edited: added another very good reason for pulling the auction

Message 11 of 14
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Reading these replies I now remember why I hardly ever post to these boards (20 post only over the years).  You do not get help just criticism & bullying.   How can I be sued when no-one knows who this seller is because I have not named him.  As far as my Ebayy reputation being ruined it doesn't matter anymore this site is dying.

Message 12 of 14
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You have not read the posts properly.  No-one here would be suing anyone but the seller might sue have admitted that you sent him an email accusing him of shilling.


You have posted here accusing another member of a serious offence but don't want to know about it when it is pointed out that you could be/probably are wrong.


You are happy to criticise a seller, even if you don't name him (and that is against board policy and would be removed by the Moderators anyway) but don't like it when it is pointed out that you may well be wrong.

Message 13 of 14
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I don't even know what you are talking about?  I didn't say people on this blog are going to sue me besides from the fact that no moderators have taken this post down.  All I know is that I am so mad because I truly believe this guy is a shill bidder (look at my feedback I am a prolific buyer and never complain about anything ever (no neutral or negative feedback has ever been left).  Family and friends who have followed the history of this case along with me (which you only know a fraction of knowledge about) also believe he is shill bidder and Ebay is unvestigating this case.  You with 8,000+ posts is just another unhelpful bully and I shall never post to these boards again as they are rarely helpful and far too toxic.   ALL I STATED IS THAT I BELIEVE I HAVE BEEN DEALING WITH A SHILL BIDDER and the blog tangents of into me being the villain - (everyone knows they do exist and guess what some people are unlucky enougth to come across them and NO thanks for your lack of support).  

Message 14 of 14
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