Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Okay today I opened a dispute after trying to deal with a seller and get him to respond to ebays process.

I bought a brand new never used monitor off of him.

When it arrived it contained only a monitor and base absolutely no cables no power adapter nothing.

I contacted him on the day I got the monitor and asked where the cables were. He said they were in the box.

I said they were not there he asked if box was sealed. I said it was he wanted to talk to Aus post that was fine with me. But I opened a thing with ebay not paypal to be safe.

I said if he could find the cables and missing bits all would be fine.

he said he would refund me if I returned the monitor.

I said I would return it if he paid all postage . He refused. I said it is not my error and would not pay postage.

He said ebay says I would have to pay. I have heard differently. I asked him more than once to sespond to the ebay dispute he didn't Ialso told him it was not with paypal. 

He claims I was rude and difficult to work with. He has 150 things of %100 feed back I have over 600 in %100.

Today time was up I escalated the claim and I copped a rather rude message.

What should I do?

If it was just a power cable I would not have worried but it was all cables.

Message 1 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Mark lose the spiel I your signature
Message 41 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Harley_babes sounds sexist, lose the "babes"
Message 42 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

how exactly is that sexist?
Message 43 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Women generally dislike being objectified by words like that, I've found.


But then I see you are selling a decal reading "Made in \/agina", so I guess the finer points of female sensibilities would go right over your head.

Message 44 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Well if you had half a brain and while you were looking at what I sell, you might have  noticed the name of my shop. You might have also noticed the apostrophe in that name that then makes that word in reference to myself.


It's funny how out of all the 500 odd patches I sell you pick that one out. Something tells me you are thinking with your small brain only

Message 45 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

@harley_babes_hoard wrote:
Mark lose the spiel I your signature

Floggin' a dead (iron) horse there harley, he's been told before that it looks a bit silly/immature/confrontational, and has certainly given him invites to a few party lists.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 46 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Yeah, he's coming to visit me. Smiley Wink

Message 47 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Ah, let him have it.... 


It's prefaced by eBay "credentials", thus obviously legitimising an opinion about the forum, or somehow giving it more credence. And, honestly, if someone comes here looking for help, sees that and allows it to undermine the content of posts, without giving that content due consideration first, they probably didn't really come here looking for help.



Message 48 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Robinson, you're not worth it.

padi, please put me on your blocked list. Most sellers here would qualify for my blocked seller list, if eBay would only allow me to have one.
Message 49 of 63
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Re: Seller abusive after I opened a INAD dispute with ebay when he did not respond to it.

Hi everyone, the discussion is getting a little heated.  Please be sure to keep your communications civil.  Thanks!

Message 50 of 63
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