Seller accepted offer, now sent invoice with 4x postage cost??

Hey guys, so I put in a few offers for an item and the seller accepted the last offer... But now has put 4x the postage cost in an invoice they sent? (From $54 to $200) actually sent 3 different invoices, each new one with higher postage cost.. First invoice was $120, second was $150, third was $200. Listing postage was $54.


I've contacted the seller saying that they've increased postage by 4 times with screenshots of original $54 postage cost on the listing and another with the $200 cost.. AFAIK This is against terms as they accepted the offer right?

Message 1 of 36
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Re: Seller accepted offer, now sent invoice with 4x postage cost??

What was the item number (RHS of the listing page) ?


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 2 of 36
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Re: Seller accepted offer, now sent invoice with 4x postage cost??

$54 original postage? 
Hmmmmmโ€ฆโ€ฆ you didnโ€™t just buy a lamp, by any chance did you? ๐Ÿ˜‰


FYI, seller canโ€™t increase postage. 
Donโ€™t complete the sale.

Report the seller for fraudulent transaction practices.



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Message 3 of 36
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Re: Seller accepted offer, now sent invoice with 4x postage cost??

We need the item number.

Is the seller located overseas and using Pitney Bowes by any chance? Postage cannot be combined with the GSP.  Judging by the original price you mention ($54) I suspect they might be using the GSP.


Message 4 of 36
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Re: Seller accepted offer, now sent invoice with 4x postage cost??

Hey guys, thanks for the responses, I'm in Australia and this is from an Australian seller. An old CRT monitor that's been in storage brand new in box. ITM number is 354266771023. The seller accepted a much lower price than listed (less than half price).

Message 5 of 36
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Re: Seller accepted offer, now sent invoice with 4x postage cost??

What do I report as? Can't find anything that would suit. Closest is under fraudulent listing practices which only has selling is using multiple accounts to inflate prices and the other is you suspect the listing is fraudulent. Neither really suit what th seller is doing.


Message 6 of 36
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Re: Seller accepted offer, now sent invoice with 4x postage cost??

That's strange. It says $11.70 postage for me (I am in NSW).

Message 7 of 36
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Re: Seller accepted offer, now sent invoice with 4x postage cost??

That number comes up as an old aldi tv at a very high price.  Never thought I would see rare used in a listing for an item from aldi.  

Message 8 of 36
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Re: Seller accepted offer, now sent invoice with 4x postage cost??

@papermoon.lady wrote:

That's strange. It says $11.70 postage for me (I am in NSW).

$30.75 postage showing to me. (i am in VIC)

Message 9 of 36
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Re: Seller accepted offer, now sent invoice with 4x postage cost??

Can you pay for the screen from your purchase history at the original $54 ?


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 10 of 36
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