Seller adds $300 postage after advertising Free postage.

Buying signs from India free postage then seller adds $299 U.S. postage

Seller does not respond to any messages.

‘Seller then cancels the order and re lists items.

‘I leave negative feedback and seller has it removed.

I try to contact eBay to report this but they don’t respond.

when I get one negative it lasts for twelve months and I can’t have it removed because eBay tell me the feedback policy is ironclad ?

Seems to be double standards very frustrating.

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Re: Seller adds $300 postage after advertising Free postage.

@mammy-google-eyes wrote:

So no one has addressed how they can be exempt from negative feedback ?

No one is exempt entirely - some removals do seem unjustified from just about any perspective and I don't think anyone here agrees with ebay providing that kind of special treatment to anyone, but no one here can know if this one was fully justified, if the seller was just lucky, or anything else.


I mean, I once added $500 shipping to an order post-sale, got neg feedback, and had that FB immediately removed, but the extenuating circumstances fully justified that removal (the buyer had been blocked from buying from me due to fraudulent claims, used a friend's account to buy again, didn't pay straight away, so I took the opportunity to try and prevent payment entirely by making postage outlandish. eBay reps took one look at the situation and agreed all of the buyer's actions were in breach of policy. I've also had neg FB removed because I could prove the buyer lied about something in the comment, or they were complaining about something that was explicitly mentioned in the listing - not saying any of this applies to your situation, but I am saying in most normal cases, eBay looks at all of the information from both sides before deciding if feedback qualifies for removal, but they actually have a buyer bias, too; lots of sellers have been denied removal [like yourself] if just because "it's just, like, the buyer's opinion man" ...or something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). 



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