Seller failed to deliver.

Hi all, bid and won an item yesterday, fair and square, paid by Paypal, next thing I get a cancellation request from the seller, wanting to cancel, as I failed to pay by bank deposit. He does not have card facilities, he claims just bank deposit or nothing, yet when I confirmed the listing, Ebay has it that he does accept Paypal, but he I found he does not have a Paypal account, which by the rules he must have, or at least a card facility. So, I go in and check my Paypal payment, and yes, he doesn't have an account, as it was marked that the buyer hasn't claimed the payment. I realized this was going nowhere, so I just cancelled the payment within Paypal. He got what he wanted, for the sale to be cancelled, doing so, wasting my time. After the auction ended I got an abusive message from him about demanding bank deposit, not Paypal, and said he would just 'keep the item''. I asked why he wanted bank deposit only, was it that the item, a model train, was defective, even though he listed it as ''used, but new'', whatever that means. I told him that buyers like to have a bit of protection from seelers such as him, and bank deposit leaves us buyers out in the cold when things go belly up. Anyway, the best part to this little event is this: He had another listing to ''go off' later last night, I got straight in before that and put a torpedo right into his dashboard. The item had 12 bids on it and was sitting at $165, an hour before it was due to end. It ended with the same bidder and didn't get past the $165. The winning bidder was a low score buyer that has had many bid cancellations in the last 6 months. I feel much better about this wasted  time now lol

Message 1 of 100
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Seller failed to deliver.

Yep, and it looks like they're at it again on item 153911407506 - placed a bid and then retracted.

Message 21 of 100
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Seller failed to deliver.

Your seller's actions seem to have caught up with him. His account is now unregistered.

Message 22 of 100
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Seller failed to deliver.

Hi, yes, I put the last nail in his box lat night.  We don't need fraudulent sellers on here, there are enough issues to deal with as it is. He was so brazen about what he was doing, almost like he didn't care about any of the rules, because he broke most of them. I just hope he doesn't try and poke his head up again under a different ID or some other method of getting back on. Many thanks to all for the feedback and guidence on this issue. Another one bites the dust.

Message 23 of 100
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Seller failed to deliver.

Judging by the latest feedback, you weren't the only one!

Message 24 of 100
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Seller failed to deliver.

Oh yeah, lovely looking seller dashboard. Hi hope he doesn't try it on out there on Gumtree, or marketplace etc. At least on here we have buyer protection, he could run amuck on those other sites. Take the money and never deliver.

Message 25 of 100
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Seller failed to deliver.

Guess what good people? This scum of a pretend seller is back, under a new ID. He isn't too smart, listing identical to the ones that caused him to get booted. 193525405116   The model locomotive he has listed is not a high demand item, yet he has a bid of over $80 on it already, oh yeah, we believe that one mate. Nice try, off you get booted again.

Message 26 of 100
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Seller failed to deliver.

Oh goody!

Message 27 of 100
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Seller failed to deliver.

Bidding is up to $152 now. If you know for sure that it's the same seller, report him to eBay. If you have an account shut down by eBay, it's a policy violation to create a new one, especially in a way that bypasses the block.

Message 28 of 100
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Seller failed to deliver.

Over the 200 mark now, and his other items are getting bids like I can only dream of when I list items. I have over 1800 positives, no negs, and he has zero? The loco that's now over 200 usually brings, on a good day, that is, 160 max.  I note also that the bidders on the other items are showing the same feedback count along side their bids, so must be of the same bunch of mates doing the pushing. He must think we are stupid. I don't know wheather to call the Ebay dogs in yet, and bring him to a stop, or see what happens at the auction ends in around four days time. I just hope no genuine bidders get bit by this grub in the meantime. What do you people advise, go for him now, or wait it out?

Message 29 of 100
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Seller failed to deliver.

Go for him now. It can take eBay a bit to investigate, so best to get the ball rolling earlier. Anyone interested in creating a new account and outbidding everyone else? Im thinking bids into the thousands, so he thinks he's hit the jackpot! I know, I know, shame on me 😄 

Message 30 of 100
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