Seller refunded and now requests cancellation

Community Member

I have a very bad seller located in China. I was sent fake turquoise and moonstone beads that turned out to be plastic. I requested a refund through paypal stating fake items and seller refunded. Then I obviously left negative feedback on 2 of the 3 items.


He requested feedback removal on the grounds that he already refunded. Unfortunately any buyer in her right mind is going to warn others of the fraud. He was abusive calling me a liar etc, in his message for the feedback removal. Now today I get cancellation requests stating that I have not paid. As far as I can see, is this just so he can get back his ebay fees? It's not like he can start a dispute since I paid and was refunded through paypal.

Message 1 of 22
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Seller refunded and now requests cancellation

Please start buying LOCAL AUSTRALIAN goods [made here, not CHINA] before all our businesses are GONE forever.


Our earth is being SMOTHERED by JUNK pouring out of china, & as we all know,......


with clothing - you wash it twice - the fabrics are so terrible the garment isn't even fit for charities.


with electrical goods ... they all seem to break down JUST AFTER the guarantee runs out


with handbags & shoes...the materials are sooooo cheap everything peals & flakes within a few months


etc etc


not to mention everything has to be sprayed with formaldehyde [ever wondered why you keep getting bad rashes or worse ????]...including your babies blankets & pillows, your lingerie, your clothing, shoes, scarves, socks, uniforms etc so it doesn't go mouldy whilst sitting in a container on a ship for weeks.


  • whilst we all try & save a lousy dollar or two we are


  •  effectively ensuring unemployment continues to rise in AUSTRALIA  ....,do you have children, grandchildren ??? They will need a job here in Australia one day, sadly there won't be many companies left to offer them that opportunity.


  • exposing ourselves & our children to dangerous chemical sprays [formaldehyde] & lead paints on toys, nasty synthetic fabrics which we wear.....


  • masssssively contributing to much faster landfill due to the cheap nature of a lot of the goods produced there, they all end up in OUR soil [ as they break down their poisons leach into our waterways etc]..

  • not to mention the massive amounts of monies leaving Australia & ensuring the rising wealth of a nation that will end up ruling the world !!! Hope you're all taking chinese lessons.

I am not racist, but I do care about AUSTRALIAN jobs & our economy, & I am so sick of hearing about all these scammers, many who seem to trade from china. It seems no one stops to think LONG TERM about how china has become so massively wealthy & powerful & what is to come from this power.





Message 11 of 22
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Seller refunded and now requests cancellation

with clothing - you wash it twice - the fabrics are so terrible the garment isn't even fit for charities.

Really? I own plenty of made in China/Hong Kong/Taiwan/Thailand clothes and they have lasted more than 2 washes..

I used to work in an Op Shop and the majority of clothes that came in were made in China

Pretty much all electrical goods are made in China or Hong Kong so good luck finding anything that isn't


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
Message 12 of 22
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Seller refunded and now requests cancellation

Totally refuse - ignore - and with any luck they will go away

NO. do not ignore, hit the "refuse"  (or whatever the word)  button


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 13 of 22
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Seller refunded and now requests cancellation

Buy Australian?  I bought an item from an Australian seller a few weeks back on eBay for $20 (including P&H).  The wrong size arrived, and as she had no stock left in the correct size, I was refunded.  I decided to buy a "cheap and nasty" version from Hong Kong just to stow away in a drawer in case I ever wanted one, and low and behold, when it arrived, it was the exact same item (from the same manufacturer with the same labeling) as I'd purchased from the Australian seller...except, I paid $6.00 (including P&H). 

Message 14 of 22
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Seller refunded and now requests cancellation

As usual off on the tangent of 'Whats in it For ME'......I was referring to the future of your children & grandkids & employement for Aussies. The future of Australia as a country that is able to provide employement


We have always produced Top Quality items, till the company went offshore !


I notice on these boards how sellers are hoping for a GOOD profit on their items yet they want to deny anyone who produces something from being payed fair wages & protected working conditions as have been fougth for & won in countries such as Australia.


I for one will always buy Australian where I am able to, I don't just think about myself in this day & age unlike so many others have become conditioned to & accepting of without question anymore [if ever].


It is a shame we have lost most of our companies to overseas ...... the bottom line being no one wants to pay for their peers receiving the same benefits they themselves INSIST on.


I have a friend who works for a charity, & believe me if you saw what they HAVE to bag up & send to landfill regarding the garments of today you WOULD be horrified !!!


Australia always produced the best COTTON & WOOL, synthetics are what make people itch & perspire, they pill & snag, they do not wear / wash well, but hey they are CHEAP & we all want CHEAP don't we - sorry I'd rather pay an Australian manufacturer for a nice cotton garment without the formaldehyde, & the longer life cycle.




Message 15 of 22
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Seller refunded and now requests cancellation

This is an old thread that has been revived but I wanted to comment that a lot of buyers don't seem to understand why a seller would send a Request to Mutually Cancel a transaction after issuing a refund.

Every time a buyer makes a purchase from a seller, eBay charge the seller a fee for the purchase (regardless of whether the buyer makes payment or not)

When a seller issues a full refund (for whatever reason) for a transaction it is perfectly logical for the seller to want to recoup the sales fees for the failed transaction as well.  It also makes good business sense.

It is not against eBay rules nor is it unethical.


I feel confident that a seller who has issued a refund in the interests of excellent customer service does not deserve to be out of pocket for the transaction.  

In the case of the OP in this thread, they have refused the cancellation in order to punish the seller ... and, perhaps the seller deserved it - who knows.   BUT... the point to my post here is to let buyers know that they shouldn't automatically believe a seller is shonky if they request a mutual cancellation of the transaction after issuing a full refund for a perfectly legitimate reason in the interests of excellent customer service.

Message 16 of 22
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Seller refunded and now requests cancellation

Did you all receive that nice, welcoming, hello email the other day from the Senior Vice President of the Asian Pacific arm of ebay ??? [14/9] There is a nice smiley picture of Mr Jay Lee at the top, making it very personalised, which was a nice touch.



To the Australian seller community:

Because of you, the eBay marketplace has flourished. In just 17 years, you have helped build an "experiment" into a global destination with incredible selection that connects more than 100 million people around the world.

I'm excited to welcome you to the next chapter in eBay's history. The world of shopping is changing, and eBay is changing, too.

Today, we deliver a cleaner, more contemporary and consistent experience, with innovation that makes buying and selling easier and more enjoyable. To reflect our dramatically improved global marketplace, we have introduced a new face for the eBay Marketplaces logo.

Our refreshed logo reflects eBay today. It's the eBay you helped us create by meeting heightened customer expectations for features like free shipping, returns and outstanding customer service.

Although our look is a bit different, there's one thing that will never change: We will always connect people to the things they need and love. And now, we are delivering on this vision by empowering our buyers and sellers to connect anytime, anywhere.

We are proud of our past. Now, we're focused on our game-changing future, and we're bringing it to life for you.

We are sharing this news with you, because we value how much you contribute to our global community. In mid-October, we will make the logo available, subject to our guide lines.


[There is more but due to links I find when I try to copy it I have problems posting to the thread].


I wonder if anyone has ideas on what the game-changing future is referencing....see if you can be the first to guess correctly !.





Message 17 of 22
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Seller refunded and now requests cancellation

I wanted to comment that a lot of buyers don't seem to understand why a seller would send a Request to Mutually Cancel a transaction after issuing a refund.

When a seller issues a full refund (for whatever reason) for a transaction it is perfectly logical for the seller to want to recoup the sales fees for the failed transaction as well.  It also makes good business sense.

It is not against eBay rules nor is it unethical.

I feel confident that a seller who has issued a refund in the interests of excellent customer service does not deserve to be out of pocket for the transaction.  

It was not "failed transaction"  the seller is ripping people off by false claims.

Seller that sells fake rubbish and refunds when caught does not deserve their FVF back, regardless how good service they offer.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 18 of 22
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Seller refunded and now requests cancellation

Supa Nova :   You quoted my broad comment about why sellers request Mutual Cancellations and forgot to include my note about this particular case which said:

In the case of the OP in this thread, they have refused the cancellation in order to punish the seller ... and, perhaps the seller deserved it - who knows. BUT... the point to my post here is to let buyers know that they shouldn't automatically believe a seller is shonky if they request a mutual cancellation of the transaction after issuing a full refund for a perfectly legitimate reason in the interests of excellent customer service.

I was not subject to all the information about the OP's seller so prefer not to comment on something I have limited info about ---- however I would like to make it clear to any eBay buyers reading this that mutual cancellations should not be viewed with paranoia provided a full refund has been issued (and received) prior to the mutual cancellation request being sent to them.


All the best!  😄

Message 19 of 22
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Seller refunded and now requests cancellation

Hi Guys

I have just had the same type of bad dealings with an Australian? seller. I now question how much of the operation is Australian.

They actually went to the trouble of infering that i would not get a refund if i did not take down the bad feedback(i did warn them and give them 3 days before I did it).

It is against australian consumer law to do this, It's basically blackmail and customers should not give in to them or it will become worse for us all. You only have to look at a company like AGR Machinery's negative feedback for the last month, then look at 6 months, then look at their 12 month and you will see there is a massive problem with the 6 month feedback.  Most likely the customers have been manipulated because it's not statistically possible.  It strikes me that a lot of these people have no real idea of the law or ebay rules,At one stage I was told the ebay rules by this company AGR Machinery. The only thing that you should state is that no matter what ebay or any company may say they can and do not supercede the actual law of the country that the deal is done in.

Some of these operaters could really do with some customer service skills, that is not to say that I have a pronlem with little operaters giving it a go because they some times are better at it.

I have been involved with this for a long time now and have learnt that it does not matter if they are over seas or not ,you just get really bad sellers some times .I have had great deals with china and if there is a problem some are great,Only the mail delay is a pain.

All you can do is report them offenders,This is the greatest problem we do not leave the bad feedback if we are treated like crap like I just was by AGR Machinery. It could have been resolved in a flash with the right attitude by the company's reps.  In my case the call centre was in the Philippines, the service centre was in Seven Hills in Sydney and there seemed to be a problem with communication between the two.

Don't back off with the bad feedback.  Give if they deserve it and if they try to blackmail you report them to eBay and Paypal and Trade Practices etc.  eBay will back you, as they have in my case.

I am lucky, I know aenough about the law and business and stood my ground.  I now have been given a refund but I'm totally pissed with the company over what should have been an easy solve over a "dead on arrival" product.  I know the companies bleat about the feedback system but it was the only thing that kept them honest.  Now they seem to be manipulating the system so that we can't really believe the statistics.  They are becoming questionable.  Let's hope that eBay can solve this.

I believe my reputation is more important than any product or deal.  It's a pity that more sellers don't.  A product problem is in between them and their supplier, not between them and their customers.  You should be treated with courtesy as a customer because eBay and these companies can't survive without you.

Message 20 of 22
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