on โ07-11-2014 12:30 PM
Just wondering what my rights are.
I purchased 2 dresses from a seller on 26th October for a cruise that I was going on on 12th November. Seller listing says that she posts "within 3 days". I paid immediately with paypal. After 3 days with no notifications,(this was on Wednesday) I contacted seller to check telling her of my time limit.
She replied with I will post by the weekend. Still no notications so on Sunday I contacted seller again, reminding her of the time limit.
Her reply was I have been bust with work, I will post Monday.
No notifications on Monday so I contacted again - her excuse this time, my car has broken down, I should get it back Wednesday and will post then. I told her that this was no good that it wouldnt arrive in time (Melbourne to Perth) and lodged a paypal claim for a refund.
She responded to the claim on Wednesday saying that she had posted item, but when you check tracking, it says received by AP sorting centre 21:54pm Thursday so she probably just stuck it in a postbox whenever.
AP says that I wont receive the parcel until "between Thurs 13th and Mon 17th too late for me to use on the cruise.
I have had to go out and buy 2 new dresses to use instead. Do I have to just accept the fact that she posted 'a minimum' of 10 days after sale date or will paypal refund me.
Thanks for your thoughts
โ13-11-2014 02:16 PM - edited โ13-11-2014 02:18 PM
Very well said.
Carly I too understand that life "happens" and everything that seemingly can go wrong does.
However..........you had an obligation and there is no escaping it, mittigating circumstances or not.
Nothing prevented you from purchasing an express post bag for a few extra dollars at your own expense in order to make sure your Buyer was somewhat placated and show her that you had her best interest at heart.
I dont meant to sound heartless Carly I am just one person who takes Customer service incredibly seriously.
I am sure you will learn a big lesson from this and go on to be a fantastic Seller with wonderful feedback.
I wish you lots of success.
on โ13-11-2014 06:02 PM
@retailtherapist_8 wrote:
I am sure you will learn a big lesson from this and go on to be a fantastic Seller with wonderful feedback.
I wish you lots of success.
I agree. Looking through Carly's feedback she has been an exceptionally good ebayer going back a good length of time, primarily as a buyer. It would be a great shame if Carly allows this problem to become a bigger issue then it need be, instead of resolving it and viewing it as a learning experience, as I too feel sure she could go on to be an exceptional seller also.
on โ13-11-2014 07:02 PM
โ13-11-2014 07:22 PM - edited โ13-11-2014 07:23 PM
No analysis this time Carly, just quoting you...
@carly050206 wrote:
unlike alot of ebay sellers, I am not a regular user of computers and do not log into emails everyday. So to shred light on when did I know there was a dispute lodged and its been said that I found out then posted the items. To be honest I posted the items when I got to a post office to get a postal bag brought it home filled it out and then went to post box to post it (I didn't know about the other options mentioned on this thread) I had not seen an email from the buyer or paypal until AFTER I posted the items.
@carly050206 wrote:
I am the seller and here are the REAL facts:
- Wednesday 5th November i got my car back and went straight to the post office to buy the postage bags. I went home to find an email from you that "its not good enough" (i have kept your messages if you want to see them) but in this message again you didnโt mention about a refund. I took the postage bag to my local post box by 6pm THAT night.
on โ13-11-2014 08:01 PM
Hi MB, I picked that up to. I was wondering how she got the address for the buyer without checking the computer - she doesn't seem organised enough to have pre-printed it.
You know Carly, I've worked in many hospitals, including emergency depts. If you were just a bit organised you could have bought some pre-paid satchels when you started selling, written one out in your lunch break, and sent it out with the external post. You don't even need to leave the premises.
What everyone is trying to tell you is that you didn't do what you promised, so you hugely inconvenienced someone else. The whole situation was totally unnecessary if you have prioiritised your customer service a bit more highly. It's buyers' experiences like this that have probably been a factor in ebay releasing carp policies like the recent Spring Sellers release.
There are lots of sellers on here who have other day jobs, some possibly more important than yours. Totally irrelevant. You should have made that call about what you could manage before committing to selling.
on โ13-11-2014 09:40 PM
carly seriously ebay is not the place to sell anymore. Ive given up selling here, the buyers are way too demanding and its all one sided rubbish and way too expensive and way too slow Try setting up a facebook page i sell HEAPS and especially on the selling pages you can advertise on and most pick up the items so no posting:-) Plus the buyers are so much more relaxed:-) Good luck if you do want to stay here to sell
on โ13-11-2014 11:07 PM
Carly you are still making excuses which make no sense.
You said you bought the satchel at the PO, took it home and filled it out then posted it in the local postbox. It was only then that you saw the buyer's email and the dispute.
Sounds plausible, but then you state you do not have a computer at home. Question.....where did you get the buyer's address in the first place and how did you find the dispute if you do not have a computer at home?
If you job is really as high powered 24/7 on call as you say, and you do not have access to a computer unless you are at work then maybe selling on ebay is not for you.
on โ14-11-2014 12:57 AM
โ14-11-2014 01:15 AM - edited โ14-11-2014 01:17 AM
โ14-11-2014 08:07 AM - edited โ14-11-2014 08:11 AM
Okay, so just to recap here Carly...
> Three times you broke your promises that you made to the buyer.
> Instead of posting within 3 days as per your listing, it took you 9 business days to post, despite being aware on day 5 that the buyer had a deadline to meet, and despite knowing when you did finally post on day 9 that it was very unlikely to make that deadline..
> The delays were no-one elses responsibilty, only yours.
> There is good reason to believe you were aware that the seller wanted a refund at the time you posted, but you posted anyway.
> In order to try to disprove the above premise, you have contradicted yourself by changing your story subsequent to the 'facts' that you yourself had attested to earlier.
> regadless of the circumstances, by failing to post in a timely manner as per the listing conditions/promises set down by yourself you thereby failed to honour the contract of sale between yourself and your buyer.
> you claim to not be a regular user of computers (even though your long history & relatively high volume of ebay activity seems to suggest otherwise) yet you chose to sell online, so even were it true this is no excuse whatsoever.
> throughout the entire process you have refused to accept responsibility for what has been your failing/mistake, and continue to do so, and are expecting/insisting that the buyer pays for your mistakes.
This is all very dissappointing Carly, you were thrown a lifeline here by myself and others, inviting you to recognize and accept responsibility for your having failed to deliver on your obligations to the buyer, and taking this as an opportunity to do right by the buyer & remedy the situation. Had you done so I had decided that I would myself go to bat for you and plead with the buyer/OP to forgive your mistakes and not hit you with negative feedback, on the grounds you have an excellent past history as a buyer & are only quite new to selling so are still only learning. It was apparent that I may not have been alone in pleading your case so I felt confident this situation was entirely redeemable for you, had you taken responsibility for your own mess.
But no, you continue to refuse to accept any responsibilty & come back with yet more excuses, and not only that, you change your story and directly contradict yourself to try to make your version of events appear more excusable, ie it very much looks like you out & out lied.
But it's not enough that you stubbornly refuse to claim ownership for your own mistakes & insist on trying to stick the buyer (who was faultless) with the cost of your mistake, you add insult to injury by calling in the cavalry in the form of someone by the name of Jodie, who comes in here and completely disregarding the facts of the matter or your cupibility in it, instead starts ranting & insulting the buyer and blaming them alone for your mistakes.
Do you and Jodie really think we were all born yesterday? Jodie from 'Melbourne' (ie. your neck of the woods), first ever post on the boards & it just happens to be in this thread, it completely ignores all the facts in this matter along with the opinions of numerous objective seasoned ebayers that have posted on the topic, 100% blames the buyer (who's only mistake was that she bought from you), 100% exonerates the seller (you) of all blame, and then proceeds to insult the buyer.
I MEAN SERIOUSLY????????????? How gullible do you think we are?
My money's on Jodie being your sister. Am I right? She is clearly either related to you or is a friend/work-mate, either way, it's truly despicable behaviour from the pair of you.
Sorry Carly, I'm done with trying to help you... ejoy the negative feedback when it arrives, you certainly deserve it.