on 15-05-2012 04:34 PM
When selling I have ALWAYS given feedback when the customer pays for the item. The quicker they pay the better the feedback. AS IT SHOULD BE.
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When buying how ever I have found a lot of sellers do not leave feedback until you leave them feedback. Is this GOOD practice? I don't think so, in fact it causes me to give poorer feedback than I may have originally as I class this activity as bad customer relations in the 'seller's communication' area. As a rule I start asking why I had not received any feedback after four to five days, then if I do not receive a reasonable answer and immeadiate feedback the seller loses points. As a majority of postal times from sellers average at least 7 days I usually wait that long before "reducing" the stars on communication. Then every four days they lose another.
Today I contacted a seller asking "why?" on an item 320731808127 purchased on the 9th of May and received this reply:
"Dear robert_053,
thank you for your information.
our system work that when customer leave me positive feedback.
the system leave him positive also.
please leave me first.
to which I have replied:
Hello Miranda,
That is very rude.
I order and pay for items straight away and so I expect positive feedback STRAIGHT AWAY!
What YOU are doing is extorting good feedback from customers so they will get good feedback too.
IF you had checked my members profile page you would have discovered that this is a particular "HATE" of mine.
It also causes those sellers who do it to LOSE 'points' when it comes to me making my assessment.
To me that is a "failure for proper seller's communication"
**excerpt from my page
Business Information
NOTICE TO SELLERS!When I purchase your product and Pay immediately, I EXPECT feedback immediately!! Should you delay feedback, until I receive the item and give YOU feedback, you WILL receive LESS STARS in communication the longer you delay!
Do YOU think I am right in doing this?
on 16-06-2013 01:46 AM
My admirers are clearly visible with one click onto my feedback number :-x:-x
(coffee splatter on screen)
on 16-06-2013 01:46 AM
I get that but wouldn't it just be easier to give people there feedback, if they see it as important even if u don't. To be honest I can't be bothered leaving feedback half the time but I do it for a few reasons but mostly because I see it as a way of saying Thankyou. You know if you go into a shop and u pay get given your goods you say thankyou to the people helping u.
on 16-06-2013 01:53 AM
For those who have somehow not noticed - this thread was started on May 15, 2012 making it a very D E A D T H R E A D........
on 16-06-2013 01:53 AM
belinda that makes such perfect sense 🙂
on 16-06-2013 01:53 AM
I get that but wouldn't it just be easier to give people there feedback, if they see it as important even if u don't. To be honest I can't be bothered leaving feedback half the time but I do it for a few reasons but mostly because I see it as a way of saying Thankyou. You know if you go into a shop and u pay get given your goods you say thankyou to the people helping u.
Please don't think I don't understand where you're coming from, because I do, but I'm also trying to get you to see where sellers are coming from.
Yes, it can be easier just to give people what they want, but have you ever seen what happens when kids who were always handed the cookies whenever they looked like they were going to have a tantrum? I'm not saying buyers are spoilt brats, btw, what I'm saying is that doing what other people want just because they want it isn't necessarily the right way to handle things.
My very simple point is this. Buyers and sellers alike, that is all members on eBay, each have a choice about when, if and how they leave feedback for their trading partners, and it would be really nice, in my opinion, if fellow eBay members respected that choice instead of getting uppity when they don't get a dot.
By the by, I send every single one of my buyers a short, personalised message thanking them for their purchase, I guess since I do that, I don't have to leave any of them FB. 😉
on 16-06-2013 01:59 AM
I believe a personalised message is better than feedback 🙂
on 16-06-2013 02:03 AM
I believe a personalised message is better than feedback 🙂
on 16-06-2013 02:04 AM
Indeed ...................
on 16-06-2013 02:38 AM
I just wish that pretentious people like davewil1964 could see that we buyers do like good service and providing us buyers with feedback is all part of the service even if u the seller don't get why we like it.
Belinda, just curious love, but as a seller, how are we supposed to rate the transaction before it is finished. How do we know if the buyer is going to make unreasonable demands on us after our item is posted? How do we know if the buyer will give us a chance to fix any problems they may have before we even know if they have received the item, far less happy with it?
Feedback is also a seller's perception of how the whole transaction went, so I can't see how we can express our perception before the transaction is complete.
I've been really, really lucky and only had a few minor hassles, but you must also read these boards and see how sometimes there are buyers who act unreasonably (just as there are sellers who do too, I am not doubting that)
How many buyers do we hear about who don't even give the seller a chance to sort something out before they neg them?
How many buyers do we hear try to claim item not received?
I had one last week, luckily they contacted me first. But when they did it was to let me know that their item had not arrived. Now I knew that every other one of the 40 odd I posted that week had been received, so I asked the seller if they could check their post office in case it was there and they had not received a card in their box.
Sure enough, it was there. Now apparently a fair few buyers don't communicate like that.
Personally, I leave feedback once I know the item is received and the customer is happy, whether that be from a PM or through feedback.
I buy a fair few watches from overseas, so as a buyer, I let those sellers know when their item arrives, but let them know I will leave feedback once I have had the item checked, battery installed etc to make sure it is working.
on 16-06-2013 02:41 AM
.........DEAD THREAD