Shipping back an item to a seller

Community Member


I have been thinking of buying a drone but am worried about it arriving and being damaged in some way, has anyone ever shipped a product that is like 2-3 kg back to the seller (china for example), is the shipping cost expensive and not worth the hassle?


Thank you.

Message 1 of 46
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Re: Shipping back an item to a seller

and more:


After reading these sites, and some other sites, it is clear that for non-commercial drone operation:

- the law regarding flying drones over a neighbourโ€™s property can be unclear

- the operator of the drone must maintain clear line of sight of their drone

- it is not legal to fly the drone over people

- trespass laws seem to be the best protection against drones flying over your property

- none of these sites have anything about downing a drone that is flying over your property


Message 21 of 46
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Re: Shipping back an item to a seller

I am just 2.7km from Sydney Airport.....less as the crow flies.  I can see the airport from the front porch.

@k1ooo-slr-sales wrote:

hereโ€™s something from CASA


Interesting for those of us that live within 5.5km of an airport (a no drone zone at any time).


Message 22 of 46
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Re: Shipping back an item to a seller

@lyndal1838 wrote:

I am just 2.7km from Sydney Airport.....less as the crow flies.  I can see the airport from the front porch.

@k1ooo-slr-sales wrote:

hereโ€™s something from CASA


Interesting for those of us that live within 5.5km of an airport (a no drone zone at any time).


You're safe then Lyndal. Everyone would realise they can't fly drones near planes, (or you'd hope so).


I'm not near an airport but we get a lot of small planes & police helicopters overhead as there are a couple of smaller airports a few suburbs away.

So I'd say this is a prime drone flying area. All underground power too.

It's interesting the person flying them has to be within a line of sight and they should not be flown over people.


I do back onto a walkway/open land so the potential is there.


All I can think of though is a hose of water, maybe that would do something to the innards.


PS gran, don't let this put you off buying your droneSmiley Wink.

Message 23 of 46
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Re: Shipping back an item to a seller

Community Member
Haha, I just wanted a fun little park flier.. not a camera one. I'm pretty responsible when it comes to stuff like this. Its interesting how this thread has gone though ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 24 of 46
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Re: Shipping back an item to a seller

k1000 I would think the same rules apply as any other situation. Ive known people who have dropped items accidentally from their car, witnessed another car swerve deliberately to run over it and the driver of said vehicle has been charged with wilful damage and ordered to pay compo. So I'd think if my property was deliberately damaged by your actions I would be covered by the same rule. And enforcement of said rule would not be dependent on any wrongdoing associated with flying it over your property as there's plenty of precedents covering that (ie just because I'm in the wrong doesn't give you the right to do something about it).

Most drones transmit video back to the user. So there's a pretty compelling source of evidence there if something happens.
Message 25 of 46
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Re: Shipping back an item to a seller

@letscleanupmycupboards wrote:
k1000 I would think the same rules apply as any other situation. Ive known people who have dropped items accidentally from their car, witnessed another car swerve deliberately to run over it and the driver of said vehicle has been charged with wilful damage and ordered to pay compo. So I'd think if my property was deliberately damaged by your actions I would be covered by the same rule. And enforcement of said rule would not be dependent on any wrongdoing associated with flying it over your property as there's plenty of precedents covering that (ie just because I'm in the wrong doesn't give you the right to do something about it).

Most drones transmit video back to the user. So there's a pretty compelling source of evidence there if something happens.

Certainly is. Invasion of privacy comes to mind.

Message 26 of 46
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Re: Shipping back an item to a seller

@letscleanupmycupboards wrote:
k1000 I would think the same rules apply as any other situation. Ive known people who have dropped items accidentally from their car, witnessed another car swerve deliberately to run over it and the driver of said vehicle has been charged with wilful damage and ordered to pay compo. So I'd think if my property was deliberately damaged by your actions I would be covered by the same rule. And enforcement of said rule would not be dependent on any wrongdoing associated with flying it over your property as there's plenty of precedents covering that (ie just because I'm in the wrong doesn't give you the right to do something about it).

Most drones transmit video back to the user. So there's a pretty compelling source of evidence there if something happens.

public road, deliberately damaging goods . . . . . . . . drone encroaching on my private property, videoing me and/or my house/property . . . . . . reminds me of apples and pears, they are not able to be compared to each other.


As for that compelling video evidence, if it showed that the drone was on my property, videoing me and/or my property then I would provide the TV for that footage to be shown in court to support me in that case, if it ever got that far.

Message 27 of 46
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Re: Shipping back an item to a seller

@springyzone wrote:


All I can think of though is a hose of water, maybe that would do something to the innards.



Here ya go springy, my mobile drone-washing-appliance.......................... with a 55 mtr head of water.......................and 600 litres to get 'em squeaky  clean.



                                                Hachi n Kimi 007.jpg


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 28 of 46
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Re: Shipping back an item to a seller

K1000 you actually don't own the airspace above your property same as you don't own more than a couple of metres under the ground. So it's actually the same. Neither a road nor the airspace above your house are private property. As I've said the fact a drone is supposedly infringing your privacy is a separate matter, while the operator could be taken to task on that, it does not give open licence for the home owner to attack it. One offence does not permit you to commit another. It would just be a matter of which is considered more serious under law.
Message 29 of 46
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Re: Shipping back an item to a seller

You're maybe not aware that you can actually film someone's private property without permission. You only need permission from the subject should you wish to broadcast the images or make public.
Message 30 of 46
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