on โ06-08-2019 12:58 AM
I put a bid on an item and my max bid was $500 then someone outbid me when I opened up the automatic bid history I could see the $510 then the same user bid again and the bid went up to $4000 How can this happen? I thought the bids were supposed to go up in increments not straight up to their maximum bid
on โ06-08-2019 09:59 AM
We don't know the Max bid of the high bidder...if it met or exceeded the reserve it would show at the reserve price.
on โ06-08-2019 10:02 AM
It's definately a scam because why would a bidder that has only bid that once with the seller decide to bid over $4K and hit the reserve immediately when they could have bid bit by bit and find out that the highest bid so far was $500 lol.
on โ06-08-2019 10:07 AM
Why would you think they should nibble bid?
I have no idea what the bike is worth but if I was interested I would only place one bid for the max I was prepared to pay...as has the high bidder on this item.
on โ06-08-2019 01:56 PM
@collect247 wrote:It's definately a scam because why would a bidder that has only bid that once with the seller decide to bid over $4K and hit the reserve immediately when they could have bid bit by bit and find out that the highest bid so far was $500 lol.
If it's a scam, it's not a very smart one, because they're not getting any money out of pushing a listing up to the reserve price.
Look at it this way - shill bidders try to put up the underbidder's amounts, so they're the ones that tend to nibble bid. They want to increase the price, but not exceed the underbidder's amount (or if they do, they don't want to exceed it so much that the genuine bidders will go, "ok, nup").
The auction has a reserve, the seller doesn't need to make sure they get at least $4k for the item because it won't sell if genuine bids don't get that high, and there would have been no point putting on a reserve if they were going to just go in and effectively set the price at $4k anyway.
It wouldn't be a bid shielder (someone who bids a very high amount to prevent others from bidding, so that at the last minute they can withdraw bids and get it cheap), because again - if the bids drop under the reserve price, the item won't sell.
Best case scenario - it's an enthusiastic bidder. Worst case scenario - someone just wanted to know what the reserve price was (or someone simply doesn't know what they're doing, lol).
on โ06-08-2019 02:48 PM
Or just maybe the high bidder knows what the item is worth and is prepared to pay a reasonable price for it.
Would anyone in their right mind expect to get a motorbike for $500 when it is obviously worth thousands?
on โ06-08-2019 02:57 PM
The seller states that the bike is in very good condition which is only valued at $2400 and it would be worth $4100 in excellent condition.
So the seller will/should double the money if the sale goes ahead.
on โ06-08-2019 03:33 PM
"The seller states that the bike is in very good condition which is only valued at $2400 and it would be worth $4100 in excellent condition."
I am unable to see where it states that in the listing.
on โ06-08-2019 03:38 PM
I'm telling you what the value is for the bike.
The seller states their bike is in very good condition which is valued at $2400.
The seller doesn't say $2400 der but that's what their valued at,I know a bit about motorbikes do you?
on โ06-08-2019 03:57 PM
I don't know much about the value of motorbikes but according to several sites on Google that bike is worth considerably more than the Reserve the seller has set.
I suspect that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the auction and we should just let the seller get on with selling his bike with no more conjecture on our part.
on โ06-08-2019 04:10 PM
@collect247 wrote:I'm telling you what the value is for the bike.
The seller states their bike is in very good condition which is valued at $2400.
The seller doesn't say $2400 der but that's what their valued at,I know a bit about motorbikes do you?
I know how to ride ag bikes...I'm hopeless on the road.
I have no idea of the value of this bike in the US or what it is worth to any member bidding on the bike...no doubt the winning bidder will evaluate the condition of the bike upon inspection...if they don't like what they see they can walk away no harm no foul...you do of course know that bids on Motors on .com are non binding?