Unable to paySeller

I can't believe no one has posted this problem on the Community Discussion Board . . . Thursday January 10th went to pay s seller and low & behold I can't . . . process came up with an 'error message' and it said to try later. Phoned eBay . . . technical error with payment sytem won't allo buyers to pay a seller with more than 3 items . . .eBay said they're trying to fix the problem and try again in 24 to 48 hours.


So, a global multimillion dollar corporation that makes billions of dollars can cause great inconveinence and stress at buyers expense, let alone the issue with sellers who aren't aware of this 'glitch' and may lodge 'Unpaid Item Disputes', and don't have the resources to fix the problem sooner???


Seems to be a one way street here that works for eBay . . . and on top of that there's no messaging service (real time) from eBay to advise either buyers or sellers to TELL them that theres a payment issue 'glitch' etc. . . so where's the "Customer Service" in this picture . . . there isn't any . . . it's BLANK! . . . and at my expense.


Went to request a call from eBay today (Friday January 11th) and the prompt message that came up posted a message that I've exceeded my limit of (1) call back from eBay in one day . . . I called them yesterday, I did not request a

'call back' yesterday and I can't get a call back today???? Go fiqure!!!!


It's no wonder that buyers & sellers are deserting eBay to the competition . . .eBay has failed in this instance to keep a customer happy with simple Customer Service action . . . and it's at NO BIG EXPENSE either . . .overheads are tax deductable in business . . ....which means more profit.



Happy trails . . .








Message 1 of 52
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Re: Unable to paySeller

Check back to message #25......Stawks posted that link and Padi quoted it.

Message 51 of 52
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Re: Unable to paySeller

Assuming the tech team were indeed actually ever told


Just because the CS member said so does not make it fact


Look how many times and how many people have been told an issue had been raised with tech support, and then later told they were not aware of said issue


Many times, as posted on many threads


Sometimes cases are of course


But many people have experienced being told a different story each time they have contacted eBay


(the issue last year of clicking on photos to enlarge them is one that comes to mind, people told it had not been reported at all and it was just them when there were already a dozen posts here from people saying they had reported it and were told it had been raised with the eBay techs) I myself was told there was no issue/it has been sent to the tech team/nobody has reported such an issue/it has been sent to tech team/there is no issue/techs know there is an issue. And so it went on


What eBay say is not always the truth 

Message 52 of 52
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