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Update on yesterday’s message about changing your password

We’re reaching out to our millions of customers by email but it will take some time to contact everyone. Meanwhile, remember that you can go to and change your password.

Message 1 of 50
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Re: Update on yesterday’s message about changing your password

i have this morning but the ironic part is they are having a technical issue and i cannot speak with the right dept.

Message 41 of 50
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Re: Update on yesterday’s message about changing your password

Why am I not surprised? Rather than waiting for ebay to sort out their never-ending issues, perhaps you could let us know what problems you're having as there are many knowledgeable and highly experienced members here who would be more than happy to help you or give you the assistance that you need.
Message 42 of 50
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Re: Update on yesterday’s message about changing your password

cq,  thanks for your reply


i have but no one  can help ebay are the only ones who can fix it


like example 1


why can i use the pay now button to pay for items overseas and yet when i try to use the pay now button to pay someone here in Australia it won't work and i keep getting an error code


example 2


why and how can a seller take out a NPI dispute on an item i purchased when i paid for it through paypal and they recieved payment even acknoledging payment recieved through an email and said they would ship item ASAP




 and i have emailed seller twice now and second time requesting that they maek item as paid and have had no reply from seller and the case is still open.




Message 43 of 50
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Re: Update on yesterday’s message about changing your password

I sometimes find that whenever I get an error code when unsuccessfully attempting a particular function, if I google that specific code it frequently tells me exactly what it means and what is going wrong. In the interim however, most issues such as you describe are caused by either browser incompatibility or something in your browser's cache which is causing a loop.

It is common knowledge that IE has some rather severe technical issues with ebay and as a consequence most people prefer to use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, both of which are far more ebay-friendly. If you're using IE then the obvious solution is to change browsers. However, if you're already using Firefox or Chrome and this issue still exists, then clearing your browser's cookies and cache will more often than not solve the problem.

As far as your second example is concerned, I can't say why a seller would issue a UPI when you have clearly paid for the item, but if you log on to Paypal and check your transactions, you will soon see if that particular payment has gone through, plus you should have also received a payment advice email from Paypal as well to indicate that your payment was processed successfully.

It could be that the seller has made a typo and your payment may have gone to a different email address, although if that's the case and the address is invalid, your payment will eventually bounce and be returned to you. However, if by some chance it's a live address then you'll need to contact Paypal and have them action a reversal.

At this stage your best bet is to contact your seller and verify that you were given the correct email address for your payment, as that's about the only reason it wouldn't be showing in his Paypal balance, despite the fact that you've definitely paid. It may also help your cause if you forward him a copy of your Paypal receipt as evidence that you have indeed paid for your item, then it will be up to him to make sure that his details are in fact correct.

I hope the above gives you a few ideas but if your problems still exist, please get back to us and let us know and we'll see if there's anything else that we can do to help. 🙂

Message 44 of 50
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Re: Update on yesterday’s message about changing your password

cq tech


i did finally manage to get onto ebay and over example 1


it is a technical issue and they said  they are working on trying to fix it


and i use google chrome  and clear cookies ect weekly




example 2 has now been resolved


in the first part i really think the seller was trying to do a scam by trying to get me to pay another 215.00


he closed that case but then opened a cancel of sale for that item and he/she told me that he could not mark it as paid due to the invoice being sent from paypal so  he was trying to avoid paying fees.


and i told him/her that paypal had nothing to do with it, when he had sold items through ebay  and that he needed to go to his sold items and click on tab and mark it paid as i said i was not agreeing with cancelling sale when i knew full well he had been paid.


and money was recieved


his/her reply was that he was sorry and has now marked it paid so i declined his cancel of sale ,

Message 45 of 50
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Re: Update on yesterday’s message about changing your password

Oh good, I'm glad that you have managed to resolve your issues, particularly with your dodgy seller and I'm especially pleased that you refused to agree with the cancellation, although I'm presuming that he will now be sending you your item and not refunding your Paypal payment. Thanks for letting me know what eventuated, btw. 🙂
Message 46 of 50
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Re: Update on yesterday’s message about changing your password

The weird part cq tech is that the seller had sent both items and i recieved them last friday by courier


 then 2 nights ago he opens a case of UPI


the whole  thing was a bit beyond me i'm afraid as i couldn't understand why they would do that


apart from trying to scam me for the 200 odd dollars.


and then when that didn't work trying to claim fees back for 1 of them.


i have not left feedback yet

i am still thinking about what to leave so other people don't get caught.





Message 47 of 50
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Re: Update on yesterday’s message about changing your password

It's certainly a tricky one but in the absence of any definitive proof that he was trying to scam you, I'd probably be inclined to leave no feedback at all rather than something which is possibly wrong, and maybe even defamatory. The only item in your purchase history which even comes close to $200 is from a Chinese seller of solar products and if that's the one to which you're referring, their lack of negative feedback would tend to indicate that they are a relatively honest seller so it may be wise to tread warily when it comes to leaving feedback. 🙂
Message 48 of 50
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Re: Update on yesterday’s message about changing your password

cq exactly look honestly it had me baffled as to why he would do that as before purchasing i did check their feedback



and also too it was not like they were a newbie seller


and i  don't think i will leave any feedback at all now the issue has been resolved and i think it best to leave sleeping dogs lie as the saying goes

Message 49 of 50
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Re: Update on yesterday’s message about changing your password

Under the circumstances, I think you've made the right decision.
Message 50 of 50
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