on โ21-11-2012 08:51 AM
I would like to see the addition of a "Wanted to Buy" feature similar to wish list.
Sellers could browse catorgorised items that buyers are seeking to buy.
I am unable to suggest this directly to ebay developers.
Does anybody else agree that this feature would be useful?
on โ21-11-2012 09:00 AM
eBay removed the Want it Now section this year.
It was useful but it has been almost hidden for the last couple of years after eBay removed the links to it from the front pages and I'm not sure how many sellers actually checked it regularly.
on โ21-11-2012 11:36 AM
it was here for 12 years at least and has just last month, been discontinued by eBay
as a buyer and as a seller I used it often.:-(