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What away to treat your "VALUED CUSTOMERS"

What away to think of your valued customers.  Obviously some customers are more valued than others.

Another sign in Adelaide has caught people’s attention when it blasted panic buyers as ‘complete idiots’. Picture: Twitter


Supermarkets are only too happy to take your money and sell you any qty of items you wish, impose limits but dont pretend to take the moral high ground

The sign, which takes a ‘dig’ at toilet paper hoarders, has been spotted at multiple stores. Picture: Facebook


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Re: What away to treat your "VALUED CUSTOMERS"

@maranock wrote:

Did you read the article - it was put on the shelf by a customer as a prank, not the supermarket.

Maybe or maybe not.  I mean, supermarkets are just so used to people putting up there own signs,  standing arround taking pictures. and  of course, the staff then just leave them in place.   As a prank, why bother to make a sign and put it in place, when you can just as easily  create a bogus image.    As the store is not named  and the article states the sign was put in place allegedly by a customer it all makes little difference, except to the customers of that specific store, who may or may not decide to shop elsewhere.



Message 11 of 15
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Re: What away to treat your "VALUED CUSTOMERS"

You can't seriously be suggesting that maybe a supermarket actually put that sign up, or that the staff would have left it up when they noticed it?

Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.
Message 12 of 15
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Re: What away to treat your "VALUED CUSTOMERS"

Don't know why the writer of the first notice thinks the TP hoarders will have nothing to eat.

I bet they are the same people who, after loading their 300 rolls of toilet paper, moved into the rice, pasta and flour aisles and denuded them too.

Message 13 of 15
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Re: What away to treat your "VALUED CUSTOMERS"

@springyzone wrote:

Don't know why the writer of the first notice thinks the TP hoarders will have nothing to eat.

I bet they are the same people who, after loading their 300 rolls of toilet paper, moved into the rice, pasta and flour aisles and denuded them too.

I'm guessing that second paragraph was a tongue in cheek attempt at highlighting the complete idocy of these horders for targetting toilet paper, a non-necessity, but something which when not available causes incredible inconvenience for everyone else when you can't find any at all, especially families with kids. Me personally, I don't care much about toilet paper, but it was annoying not to be able to buy a pack when I ran out the other day.


When you've lived in genuine survival mode for extended periods of time, as I have, you quickly learn what's important. Drinkable water and being able to get some sleep, followed by some kind of food, any food really, but even that's not terribly important. It might not be comfortable, but most people can survive quite a long time without food, gotta be able to sleep and drink though.


If that first sign had been put up in my supermarket, I would have left it there, completely agree, selfish, ignorant herd people overreacting to unnecessary fear, inconveniencing the rest of society. It's frightening to think what would happen if we had a real crisis and people couldn't meet their genuine needs for a while.


Apparently a large percentage of the population are still basically wild animals, operating on triggered primitive instincs, ready to attack over the peceived loss of the ability to wipe their bum.


I'm thinking this might have been a staged social experiment of some kind Smiley Wink

Message 14 of 15
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Re: What away to treat your "VALUED CUSTOMERS"

@springyzone wrote:

Don't know why the writer of the first notice thinks the TP hoarders will have nothing to eat.

I bet they are the same people who, after loading their 300 rolls of toilet paper, moved into the rice, pasta and flour aisles and denuded them too.

I think the idea was that if they're buying so much toilet paper they won't have any money left to buy food. 


That would apply to a lot of people who live from one paycheck to the next.  If they don't have enough discipline to go without things and save even a little bit of money then they're unlikely to think rationally enough to know that there isn't even a shortage of toilet paper (other than a temporary shortage on supermarket shelves due to idiots) and they'd panic buy.

Message 15 of 15
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