What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

A seller opened an unpaid item case against me for 2 books without contacting me first. I have until 20 June 2019 to pay. I contacted her and I apologised and told her I want to complete the transaction. She replied with a rude email. After trying to pay for 2 days and continually getting an error message, I contacted eBay who informed me that the seller has blocked me from paying the unapid items, and that I am going to get an unpaid item strike on my account because it is not possible for me to pay. They said they would intercede on my behalf, then said they wouldn't. I tried to contact the seller again and she has also blocked me from contacting her. Is there anything else I can do?


I also left feedback about what happened, and it has been erased. What can I do about that? Buyers should be able to leave feedback when a seller is refusing to complete a transaction.

Message 1 of 27
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Re: What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

Sorry, I meant to say,


Good luck with everything and plese just give a thought to what I'm saying about how you leave negatives as it can work against you sometimes

Message 11 of 27
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Re: What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

@4channel wrote:
I have no doubt that some of your feedback is warranted and you've dealt with some disonest sellers and some sellers who while they honestly list things, don't take responsibility for their mistakes.


Please can I make a suggestion though. Why don't you try to re-invent your purchase history somwewhat by putting in a bit more time to negotiate with a seller. If a seller can realise that they have made a mistake and make some ammends, then they should be rewarded with a positive feedback rating. If they make things right for you but don't seem to get what it's all about, you have the option of leaving a negatve or just nothing at all. Or, you can leave a positive and just rate with the stars. * or ** or *** or **** etc.


Good luck with everything and plese just give a thought to what I'm saying about how you leave negatives as it can work against you sometimes.

4channel, your reply here is probably the kindest and most useful that you have ever posted... I hope the OP learns something from it.






I'm a buyer only, yet my eyebrows rose in disbelief at some of the negatives you've given out. I'll do my best to put this in a factual way, just to illlustrate how the feedback you've been giving is probably going to affect your ability to buy from sellers.




One of the negatives was because the seller didn't reply giving you the date of despatch; how does that deserve a negative, when the item itself arrived and apparently was as described? (It must have arrived on time and as described, since you didn't eviscerate the seller for any such failure.) My opinion: this transaction did not deserve a negative.


Another negative was given because apparently the seller didn't reply to after-sales messages when you refused to pay. Don't you feel that this was an abuse of the feedback system? eBay certainly would have, had the seller known that he/she could contact a eBay CS rep to have that negative removed. My opinion: this apparently uncompleted transaction did not deserve a negative.


Another unfortunate seller was negged because he/she couldn't work out how to adjust the invoice for international mail... (My opinion: this transaction did not deserve a negative)... and then there's the possibility (flagged by another seller) that you made a "revenge purchase" after being blocked under another username. My opniion: this not only didn't deserve a negative, but if you did abuse the Malicious and Unwelcome Buyer Policy in this way, you are extremely lucky not to have been sanctioned by eBay.

You had the right to give some of the negatives that you've dished out. eBay are careful to explain that feedback reflects the buyer's experience...

However, in at least several instances, you've abused the feedback policy (in my view).

In this last round - where you've been blocked by a seller (as is their right) - you wanted to give negative feedback again. That is not fair or just behaviour. Surely you can see that!



  • For the future, just bear in mind that any seller can block you for any reason. If a seller feels that you are a high-risk buyer, it is entirely possible that you'll find yourself on many a blocked buyer list. eBay will not interfere with a seller's blocked buyer list.
  • Some sellers will have an automatic system in place to deal with non-paying bidders. In particular, these sellers have such a system in place because they cannot justify the time involved in manually chasing up buyers for payment, or indeed for to-and-fro messages relating to payment. With such sellers, you have 8 days in which to pay, and it's best simply to make your payment within that timeframe without sending messages.
  • Sellers can't leave negative feedback. Unfortunately we who are buyers on eBay can't proudly display our positive feedback score and comments as evidence of being a good buyer. Even the worst buyers won't have any negatives.
  • Many people on these boards either have health issues or have family member/s with health issues. I do hope that your partner is doing well with treatment and that things get better. Sometimes health issues will affect buyer/seller behaviour, but unfortunately health/medical things do seem to be mentioned as an excuse even when not warranted. That may help to give some perspective.



Message 12 of 27
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Re: What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

Honored Contributor

My goodness.....28 negatives from 73 feedback left.   Nearly 40%.....that is terrible.


If I had left negatives at that rate I woud have left in excess of 5000 negatives.   I have a feeling I would be on a lot of blocked bidders lists and deservedly so.

Message 13 of 27
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Re: What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

What is tyhe problem with paying for a purchase straight away?

Buyers that do not pay immediately effectively reserve the item and can walk away from the deal.  In the meantime the item is taken out of the seller stock.

No sympathy from me

Message 14 of 27
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Re: What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

i rekon i could count on one finger the number of times i've pressed the buy it now button and not paid imediatley.

auctions sometimes it'll be a few hours if i'm not around when the auction ends (or i'm asleep)


i've had a few buy from me THEN ask if its ok if they pay in a few days.

not happy jan but what can ya do?

Message 15 of 27
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Re: What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

not happy jan but what can ya do?


Buy a book? Yellow Pages?

Message 16 of 27
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Re: What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying


Message 17 of 27
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Re: What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

@porcelain_dolls_by_me wrote:

What is tyhe problem with paying for a purchase straight away?

Buyers that do not pay immediately effectively reserve the item and can walk away from the deal.  In the meantime the item is taken out of the seller stock.

No sympathy from me

Did you actually read their second post when they explained that they'd won one item already and wanted to bid on more items from the seller and then get them all combined on one invoice, and then 'life' got in the way?


Would you prefer your buyers pay for every item separately?  As for items being taken out of seller stock, I can't see any difference between them sitting on the "bought but not paid for yet" pile and the "not sold" pile, especially if things are selling quickly.

Message 18 of 27
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Re: What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

@davidc4430 wrote:

i rekon i could count on one finger the number of times i've pressed the buy it now button and not paid imediatley.

auctions sometimes it'll be a few hours if i'm not around when the auction ends (or i'm asleep)


i've had a few buy from me THEN ask if its ok if they pay in a few days.

not happy jan but what can ya do?

The only time I don't pay for a BIN immediately is if I'm buying multiple items from the same seller and I request an invoice. 


Auctions are a bit different. If I've only bid on one item I pay as soon as I can, but sometimes I could be bidding on items that end several days apart. In that instance, I will message the seller letting them know I will be bidding on other items. They seem happy with that. One seller has UPI set to kick in after 5 days, so I make sure I've paid before that time runs out. If I'm still wanting to bid on more items, I pay for those ones and then start again.


I've had buyers send me a message before buying saying they really want the item, but would I be willing to wait until Thursday to get paid. Usually I say yes and everyone has always paid when they said they would. I've not had anyone buy and then ask.




4channel, I have to agree with the Countess. That advice you gave was excellent advice. I hope we continue to see you give constructive and sound advice. Kudos to you.

Message 19 of 27
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Re: What can I do about a seller who has blocked me from paying

@brerrabbit585 wrote:

@porcelain_dolls_by_me wrote:

What is tyhe problem with paying for a purchase straight away?

Buyers that do not pay immediately effectively reserve the item and can walk away from the deal.  In the meantime the item is taken out of the seller stock.

No sympathy from me

Did you actually read their second post when they explained that they'd won one item already and wanted to bid on more items from the seller and then get them all combined on one invoice, and then 'life' got in the way?


Would you prefer your buyers pay for every item separately?  As for items being taken out of seller stock, I can't see any difference between them sitting on the "bought but not paid for yet" pile and the "not sold" pile, especially if things are selling quickly.

i have my non payer setup so they get 3 days i think if no payment ebay does the rest.

i dont chase people.

Message 20 of 27
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