on โ16-07-2021 07:47 PM
I bought an antique wall clock from a seller in the U.S. The 1st question I asked him was,"could you let me know the tracking number please?",which he did.The clock subsequently arrived on the 7th of July,virtually destroyed,but there were no signs of damage to the box it was packed in.
When I sent him a very politely worded list of the damage,he began accusing me of calling him a "scammer"(which I never did),and saying,"I would never send you a piece of trash like that"(both in capital letters,akin to yelling at me),and also complaining that I was accusing him of the delay in the time the package was taking to arrive and saying it was damaged in transit.This I find utterly impossible to believe,as there was not a sign of any damage to the box it was sent in,and I supplied all the necessary photos to him via "Contact Seller".
For once,eBays "help centre" came to the rescue and secured a full refund of the purchase price & postage,but the operator told me that he had "reported me" to the ebay community and because he was bad mouthing me,secured the refund.Has anyone else ever had this sort of problem before?
on โ17-07-2021 09:52 PM
Hey countess, we are heading that way as well - lockdown.
Take care and look after you ๐
OP - rest easy, no mention of your name on UK or US boards and I am there a lot.
on โ18-07-2021 11:47 AM
@countessalmirena wrote:
EDIT: padi, how are you!!!!? And to all of the thoroughly excellent people on this board with whom I haven't bantered lately, I'm giving a hand-in-isolation wave... (Melbourne.)
All good here in rural WA thanks countess, I've got SLR and his good lady here at the moment and we've been having a fine time together again. It's a shame Kat isn't here to help us eat the Thai Green Curried Prawns...........ah well more for us I guess.
Take care of yourself. ๐
on โ18-07-2021 12:15 PM
@ozwiz27 wrote:I bought an antique wall clock from a seller in the U.S. The 1st question I asked him was,"could you let me know the tracking number please?",which he did.The clock subsequently arrived on the 7th of July,virtually destroyed,but there were no signs of damage to the box it was packed in.
When I sent him a very politely worded list of the damage,he began accusing me of calling him a "scammer"(which I never did),and saying,"I would never send you a piece of trash like that"(both in capital letters,akin to yelling at me),and also complaining that I was accusing him of the delay in the time the package was taking to arrive and saying it was damaged in transit.This I find utterly impossible to believe,as there was not a sign of any damage to the box it was sent in,and I supplied all the necessary photos to him via "Contact Seller".
For once,eBays "help centre" came to the rescue and secured a full refund of the purchase price & postage,but the operator told me that he had "reported me" to the ebay community and because he was bad mouthing me,secured the refund.Has anyone else ever had this sort of problem before?
Even if the outer packaging was fine, the clock inside may not have been so robust. It probably had other parcels thrown on top, had been bounced around a lot etc and with fragile inner parts, suffered some damage.
The seller is quite likely right in that he didn't send the clock that way. Why would he? Nothing to gain from it.
Regardless of how the damage happened (whether with PB reboxing flimsily or rough PO treatment), you were entitled to your refund and you have it. That's the main issue.
But your problem, the one you are asking about, seems to be with your reputation and the fact you have been reported.
You can rest easy. Totally easy on that score.
First off, your feedback, it can only be positive from sellers, right? So if this seller gives a neg comment disguised as a positive green dot, that is a no-no. Report it and have it removed.
Also, what community has it been reported to? Most don't allow naming and shaming and even if they did, worst case scenario, honestly, how many people do you think would see it? How many regulars are there even on this community board? There might be a 100 but even then, do you think they read every single post? No. And topics scroll down and die anyway. Well, usually they do.
And even if people read your name, how many of them would even remember it tomorrow, do you think?
There are millions of ebay buyers and sellers, rest easy, you are just another anonymous one. I hadn't seen your user name till you posted. Doubt any of the others had either and some of them are more avid ebay boardies than I am. If they haven't seen it anyway, you're safe!
โ19-07-2021 12:29 AM - edited โ19-07-2021 12:30 AM
Without going into detail ( dont want to encourage them ) there is a way to report bad buyers to the ebay community and it is VERY effective. I,ve never used it but I have seen the results.
OP do a general google search of your ebay identity and also your real name. If nothing untoward comes up, you have nothing to worry about, it hasnt happened to you. If something does come up, ( it ranks highly in google searches so will show up straight away ) come back to the boards as there is some good minds here who may be able to help.
on โ19-07-2021 12:37 AM
I did the search of your ebay id.....Nothing, so all good so far. You will need to search your real name. If nothing comes up, you have nothing to worry about.