What is the best small solar powered electric fence?

Looking for a solar powered electric fence to make a small yard for my horse when we go floating to trail rides.  Does anyone recommend one of the small and inexpensive type of units?  Thanks.

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Re: What is the best small solar powered electric fence?

Honored Contributor

This board is for advice on ebay problems....you will probably get more help by asking on the Community Spirit board.

Have you thoroughly researched the item you want...I would have thought that a battery operated unit would give a more reliable current.

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Re: What is the best small solar powered electric fence?

For peace of mind I would go out and buy anything to do with solar power from a B&M store, not buy it on ebay.

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Re: What is the best small solar powered electric fence?

ABsolutely, go to a shop to buy your electric fence unit. Battery operated is good and they are usually easier when moving around from place to place. Be aware that at some show societies and other horse events/locations electric fencing on its own isn't allowed. Some locations prefer you to use solid steel panels (portable), for holding your horse. You've probably seen floats with these panels mounted on the side of the float.


I have done extensive travelling with horses in the past and found that electric fencing is not always reliable, trees fall on it and down it goes, batteries go flat or connections come loose and horse only takes a few minutes to work out they can push through etc. However it can be done, but do be careful how you set up.

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Re: What is the best small solar powered electric fence?

None of the shows that we went to with our horses would allow electric fencing just in case Joe Public happened to brush against it.

Best use we found for portable electric fencing was for partitioning off part of a paddock for the short term...no great drama if the ponies did get through it.

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