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Why isnt eBay placing limits on dodgy sellers??

Community Member


Why is eBay allowing this situation to get continuously worse? This is hurting the online selling industry as a whole, with so many people having bad experiences (including myself). There seems to be no effort taken by eBay to protect the community.





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Re: Why isnt eBay placing limits on dodgy sellers??



You'd have to ask eBay that question.


This is a community forum not eBay, but at a guess it might have something to do with the commission eBay receive for every transaction.


If buyers read the feedback first,  93% for a power seller is terrible, and think twice about making a purchase from them these issues wouldn't arise.

Message 2 of 14
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Re: Why isnt eBay placing limits on dodgy sellers??

Honored Contributor

They are an American seller,   Their postage is horrendous.


Why would anyone in Australia buy from them?


I did notice that you sell the same type of products though.


I can't see them being a threat to you



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Re: Why isnt eBay placing limits on dodgy sellers??

Community Member

They "sell" over 6000 items in a year at over $100 each,plus high postage for overseas items and that means the


FVF to eBay is high.


So they are bringing in good money to eBay and so they have no reason to stop them.


It doesn't matter how many negatives a seller in the US has,(as long as they bring in a steady income to eBay


they wont get defected from selling),stubborn_smiley_by_mirz123-d4bt0te_zps12f1a5a3.gif


The high volume Chinese sellers work on a similar principle,(they are protectected sellers).

Message 4 of 14
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Re: Why isnt eBay placing limits on dodgy sellers??

I bought an item from a high volume store and when it arrived it didnt do the job they said it would so i contacted them and requested help. They told me they would ship a replacement direct from china which would take 19 to 35 days. Its now been 3months and still nothing and i cant leave negative feedback or seek reconpense through ebayand the seller is not answering my messages. These sellers are giving people delivery dates which exceed the maximum time for feedback or action knowing that should you be trusting enough as i was they will get away with not having to make good on the purchase or be subjected to negative feedback. In  short dont deal with kobook and if you have any  seller try to tell you it will take longer than 30 days leave negative feedback and take action asap

Message 5 of 14
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Re: Why isnt eBay placing limits on dodgy sellers??

One look at that seller's feedback and I would have run for the hills.


Surely you looked before you bought?


515 negs and 540 neutrals

Message 6 of 14
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Re: Why isnt eBay placing limits on dodgy sellers??

At the time I purchased, the feedback was over 98%. In fact one of my staff purchased on my behalf and he got a bit of a serving from me for purchasing from someone with less than 99%.

But I have been monitoring the situation since and watching the feedback fall. By the time I received my item it had dropped quite a lot.

Honestly, my own experience is not the problem here. I eventually got my item, no drastic measures were required. But it was a bad experience and problematic. I'm thinking about all the people that have purchased since.

The fact that the 12 month average feedback still registers at over 90% but the real feedback in the past week is closer to 50% and steadily falling just disgusts me.


Soon, this shop will probably close down and leave everyone who has purchased with a problem. And I think its just plain poor form that this seller is allowed to contaminate ebay with nearly 90,000 listings (and growing). 

Message 7 of 14
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Re: Why isnt eBay placing limits on dodgy sellers??

Sorry wtfauto   - my post was directed to cantknoweither and their problem

with a dodgy seller

Message 8 of 14
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Re: Why isnt eBay placing limits on dodgy sellers??

No problem sorry I should have read more thoroughly
Message 9 of 14
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Re: Why isnt eBay placing limits on dodgy sellers??

Ebay is recently placing SELLING LIMITS on everyone, without any regard to their good reputation or volume.

This seems a kneejerk reaction, and wont stop the fraudulent sellers.

I have had one of my listings coppied by a Spanish based seller , who fraudulently sold my unique and antique Ming Bronze Buddha ...twice...but of course could never deliver. This guy is still allowed to trade despite their blatant copying of my listing. 

Seems unfair trading practices are being developed in ebay HQ.

What a shame honest traders and buyers all have to suffer this idiocy of so called development by ebay.

Even when you point out the very obvious to the powers that be, nothing gets considered.

Message 10 of 14
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