on โ25-05-2020 11:55 AM
It used to be 3 months a ways back in the 2000s. Over the last few years I have had some difficult-to-deal-with sellers, and to get a problem reciified it has taken a long time. At least three have taken a very very long time. Two of them took longer than two months to resolve.
Now we have this viirus problem, some postal services have slowed down. A non eBay transaction had to be cancelled and me refunded. It was from the UK. Then last week, 3 days off of 2 months, the item arrived. I have informed seller and will refund later this week.
So, in light of what is going on, I think eBay should change it back to 3 months instead of the current 2 months to leave feedback. What are your thoughts?
on โ20-06-2020 02:13 PM
@4channel wrote:
The last post explains about the change from 90 to 60 days.
It has certainly never been just 30 days -- that would have been completely unworkable back in the days of "snail mail" payments.
Here's the Announcement:
Ahh thanks for the throw back to that...I hadn't seen it. 2008 eh? There you go...later than many have realised.
on โ20-06-2020 03:37 PM
Just to help anyone wondering why the link to the actual announcement (http://announcements.ebay.com/2008/05/a-message-from-brian-burke-upcoming-feedback-changes/) leads to an error page... It has been a dead link for some time.
It's dead. eBay announcements from that time are dead. They're all dead. Every one of them is dead.
(However, the link that I included in my post above - "A message from Brian Burke" posted on the eBay US site (under Announcements - Blog) on 7th May 2008 - is still live.)
on โ20-06-2020 04:13 PM
@4channel wrote:
However I really do think your view on this issue is influenced by your being a seller. Well, if so I can understand that. But it's not right!
Of course my views are influenced by my being a seller, I have never (and would never) deny that. Think about this for a moment.
Every seller is a buyer, it is impossible for them not to be.
Not every buyer is a seller. It's quite possible, perhaps even highly likely, the majority of buyers have no selling experience whatsoever, and certainly have no understanding of what's involved or at stake when it's your livlihood.
Are you able to tell me how a person having plenty of experience and insight on both sides of the "fence" (for lack of a better word), makes them less qualified to understand these kinds of issues from a balanced perspective?
Do I personally have a bias towards sellers? Absolutely, but it doesn't preclude me from understanding the full scope of the issue - I am asking you to look at this from a broader perspective, too.
โ20-06-2020 04:21 PM - edited โ20-06-2020 04:24 PM
@tazzieterror wrote:Rubrications mine.
4channel, some observations for you.
- Pretty much all you do is complain. If it's not feedback, it's GSP. If it's not GSP, it's some other detail/process/fee/idiosyncrasy you're unhappy with or think eBay have wrong.
Yeah I do complain a bit don't I! Well OK, I have suppported others who have come to compain about GSP etc.. And eBay doesn't have it right all the time. And this forum is the forum for buyers to discuss things, have an occasional vent and get some support as well. Also toss things around to explore ways to get an improvement on a situation. Some members here don't see it like that.
@tazzieterror wrote:
Rubrications mine.
4channel, some observations for you.
- Using phrases like those above ("...god complex, delusions of grandeur") to characterise people disagreeing with you about things like feedback periods and shipping methods -- it just comes across as juvenile. Simply put, you have unpopular opinions and suggestions, but continue to go on about them like the proverbial broken record. If you don't like people disagreeing with you, stop posting them on a public forum.
- "But it's not right!" -- who are you to decide what is right? If you're convinced that you are right and others are wrong then isn't that a symptom of the "...very selfish attitudes..." you're accusing others of exhibiting?
I had a feeling the terms I selected would bring either yourself out another regular back into this discussion but I wasn't baiting anyone anyway. OK
The phrases I used such as ".god complex, delusions of grandeur" only applies to that small group of bullies I mentioned in that post. They are the ones who have been working this forum for a while, attempting to intimidate newbies and even humiliate some to a degree. I reserve those phrases I made only for that small clique. Others that disagree with me, well some may be right. Possibly more than I think. maybe, maybe not! Those others I feel are not right and I'll tell them so. That's my prerogative. And you'll notice in that post, digital-ghost who disagrees with me, I don't include in the bully bunch. I have also said to k-sales I don't include him in that either. I respect any non-bully's POV, but if I believe it's no right I'll say so.
As for the bullying, it's been noted by other people here. One other who mentioned that behaviour here was banned. When I agreed with him about the bullying, a reply was made to me saying he can't be trusted because he was a rip-off seller or crook. (Something like that). I did some checking on him and I found no evidence of that whatsoever. If this is an outright lie then it's not the first time as I have had some false things posted about me.
Back in 2018, another member said to me, "You can't beat the clique" and I replied something like "it's not about beating them, it's speaking out and not letting them have all the say". Something like that. This person also mentioned their displeasure of seeing a certain lady (and you know who I'm talking about) being picked on. Well, as far as I'm concerned that lady with all her imperfections is OK.
So don't go saying that I'm applying phrases or terms to people in general just because they disagree me. That's false. Oh yeah, that's right, the smalll group of bullies will kudo each other up whether the comment is good, bad or whatever. I have recenttly seen two blatant troll-like posts by individuals of this group get rewarded with kudos from their compadres.
And eBay needs to restore the FB time to 3 months.
on โ20-06-2020 04:32 PM
Look digital ghost, I hear what you say and can appreciate where you're coming from. Sure there's a broader perspective out ther. And if it was you, I think it was you who said that if eBay were to make it 3 months it should be reserved just for overseas purchases. I'd be happy to leave it at that. And when the world settles down again, the thing could go back to 2 months.
And you are qualified to make an assessment having been on both sides and so am I. I'm just looking at the current situation with the delivery times slowed down to less than a quarter and what can be done to keep the review process working as it should.. That's all!.
on โ20-06-2020 05:24 PM
Ya know 4channel, reading your posts often reminds me of Don Quixote for some reason..........
โ20-06-2020 05:34 PM - edited โ20-06-2020 05:37 PM
@padi*0409 wrote:Ya know 4channel, reading your posts often reminds me of Don Quixote for some reason..........
Took you a bit to think that one up didn't you padi!
Reading what you post reminds me of
on โ20-06-2020 05:50 PM
@4channel wrote:Look digital ghost, I hear what you say and can appreciate where you're coming from. Sure there's a broader perspective out ther. And if it was you, I think it was you who said that if eBay were to make it 3 months it should be reserved just for overseas purchases. I'd be happy to leave it at that. And when the world settles down again, the thing could go back to 2 months.
And you are qualified to make an assessment having been on both sides and so am I. I'm just looking at the current situation with the delivery times slowed down to less than a quarter and what can be done to keep the review process working as it should.. That's all!.
I did say that, as i can understand why people would call for it, I just also understand both the potential and realised (evidenced via other avenues) consequences for sellers due to the lack of understanding on (some of) the buyer's side - this is most evident in comments like "I know there's a pandemic and postal delays, but I still think my stuff should be here by now and it's all the seller's fault", which are very common. What we have is bit of a double-eged sword, one that can bring a benefit to some people, but by the same swing bring lasting damage, and it's the damage I'm more inclined to want to prevent.
I believe ebay made the changes to the things they did, and not to other things like feedback timeframes, based on what is shown to be most important to the majority of buyers - and I believe feedback just isn't that important to the majority anymore. This doesn't mean I think it's unimportant, or that it's not important to anyone, just that eBay have prioritised based on what gets buyers their most desired outcomes in current circumstances, and trying to balance that with reduction of long-term damage to sellers (I personally feel this has been done unsucessfully, but that's a different discussion).
on โ20-06-2020 06:01 PM
"And eBay needs to restore the FB time to 3 months"
If your item arrived as described one day after the 3 months was up what would you do then in regards to FB?
If your item arrived NAD one day after the 3 months was up what would you do do then in regards to FB?
on โ20-06-2020 06:02 PM
@repentatleisure1952 wrote:"And eBay needs to restore the FB time to 3 months"
If your item arrived as described one day after the 3 months was up what would you do then in regards to FB?
If your item arrived NAD one day after the 3 months was up what would you do do then in regards to FB?
He'd want it extended to 120 days.