23-03-2016 07:58 PM - edited 23-03-2016 07:59 PM
I don't see these promotions pop up very often and I wanted to take advanatage of it this time before it ex[pires very soon.
Does anyone know what I could buy between $75-$100 on ebay to get the 10% discount?
What have you bought between $75-$100 and been happy with and what have you bought between $75-$100
and been disappointed with or found out that the item wasn't good value for money?
on 25-03-2016 07:25 PM
on 25-03-2016 08:08 PM
I got two. I hope they like each other and I may get 20.
on 25-03-2016 10:34 PM
on 26-03-2016 12:26 AM
I was just about to post that picture Stawks, but you beat me to it!