ebays despicable introduction of last chance options for buyers

What a penny pinching effort by ebay to get more fees. To have a level playing field i think that  buyers bidding on items making their  final bids  in an auction should be just that and NOT have ebay present them with a drop down telling them that their bid is not enough and would they like to bid higher with 3  further options of increase.Whilst it increases the sale price,and ebays fees it hardly fair to the buyer thats the highest bidder  before this drop down appears. it's easy for the buyer to know when he's paid more for an item as a result by checking the time and bids made.

Message 1 of 16
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ebays despicable introduction of last chance options for buyers



I'm certainly confused about what issue you wish to raise.


Are you saying that, if you make a bid on an item and your bid is below the current winning bidder's maximum, you do NOT want to be notified by eBay that your bid hasn't reached that maximum, and that you are not winning?


Or are you saying that you don't want eBay to suggest (if you've made a bid which is currently the maximum and thus you're currently winning) that you may want to increase your maximum to feel a little more secure in your bid in case another bidder comes along to outbid you?


The first scenario doesn't make sense... Surely if one bids on an item, one presumably wants to win, and therefore it makes sense to know that the bid one's placed is still under the current maximum bid. (This would apply to people placing bids manually rather than placing a snipe bid.)


The second scenario makes more sense - although it doesn't seem like a "despicable" thing, surely? Rather, eBay is automatically suggesting that a bidder may want to place a higher maximum (for automatic bidding, in case there's another bidder who later places a counterbid). Of course eBay want buyers to place higher bids rather than lower bids - eBay make money out of Final Value Fees, and the higher the winning price, the higher the FVF. That's a given. But buyers tend nowadays to go for Buy It Now items in preference to auction items; for those who still bid on items, there's less of the bidding frenzy which enlivened eBay in its earlier days. No buyer needs to pay attention to eBay's suggestions about placing a higher bid... It's certainly no more despicable than the practice of upselling.


(Indeed, it's less "despicable", since you would only ever pay higher than your current bid if someone else bids a higher amount than your current bid, and you'd only pay your maximum if someone bid up to your (hidden) maximum.)


But if you're being annoyed by this, and you want to avoid seeing those suggestions, there is a very easy way. Just use a third-party sniper that is free to use, and which will automatically place on your behalf the lowest bid necessary (up to the maximum that you state) in the last few seconds of the auction, in order to win your desired item on eBay. You will never have to worry about seeing an eBay suggestion with three further options on an auction again.

Message 11 of 16
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ebays despicable introduction of last chance options for buyers

Hello,everyone. To be respectful is very important in your interaction with other members here. I'd like to remind you that content that is harmful, hostile, threatening, abusive, baiting, vulgar, defamatory, harassing, or includes hate or racist speech, name calling, or profanity will be edited or removed. Please read about our policy here: https://community.ebay.com.au/t5/Community-Feedback/Updates-coming-to-eBay-com-au-Discussion-Boards/... Thanks very much. 🙂

Message 12 of 16
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ebays despicable introduction of last chance options for buyers

@brerrabbit585 wrote:
Are you referring to your original question as a waste of time (in regard to other people responding)?

Could be the OP hasn't got the answer they wanted yet brer ................


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 13 of 16
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ebays despicable introduction of last chance options for buyers

@scootaolle wrote:
i've noticed you before ,24671 posts ,don't you have anything better to do than involve yourself with these wastes of time.

I have plenty of time on my hands and no, I don't mind who I reply to, be they wastes of time or genuine posters needing help.

Message 14 of 16
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ebays despicable introduction of last chance options for buyers

@scootaolle wrote:
i've noticed you before ,24671 posts ,don't you have anything better to do than involve yourself with these wastes of time.

Long may lyndall continue as I enjoy her posts.


A lot of people interact on the boards as they find it interesting, entertaining at times and a good way to get up to date with new information. People spend time  on lots of sites such as facebook, so why not on here?


With regards to auctions, been a while since I bid on one but do you mean the one click bid? As a buyer, I always welcomed that, although I just put in my own amount, not necessarily any ebay suggestion.

I don't imagine ebay tells bidders what the top bidder's highest amount is at any stage, does it? As long as it doesn't do that, I can't see a problem with making the bid process easy for people.

Message 15 of 16
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ebays despicable introduction of last chance options for buyers

@scootaolle wrote:

What a penny pinching effort by ebay to get more fees. To have a level playing field i think that  buyers bidding on items making their  final bids  in an auction should be just that and NOT have ebay present them with a drop down telling them that their bid is not enough and would they like to bid higher with 3  further options of increase.Whilst it increases the sale price,and ebays fees it hardly fair to the buyer thats the highest bidder  before this drop down appears. it's easy for the buyer to know when he's paid more for an item as a result by checking the time and bids made.

Sounds like someone got outbid.

Do you want to use an auction or tender process, either way if your bid/tender is not the highest then you are just another loser.

If someone wants something more than you and is prepared to bid more, then that is good for them, good for ebay and good for the seller.

Message 16 of 16
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