feedback for buyers

So I have noticed those who leave feedback at the time of sending me my product I have had no problem with. Yet the ones who don't seem to send items that have something wrong hummmmmmmmmmm.

When life gives you lemons.
Squeeze them into people's eyes
Message 1 of 67
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Re: feedback for buyers

what am I not getting



simple, the feedback a seller leaves is based on the sellers opinion of the whole transaction.  The transaction IS NOT completed when the buyer pays.


As I said, simple!

Message 11 of 67
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Re: feedback for buyers

what am I not getting 


belinda, I was also going to mention that feedback is voluntary and eBay do not mandate when feedback is left by either party to a transaction . . . . . . but I sort of recollect that some poster may have posted this in one of the threads you have posted one   ๐Ÿ˜„


belinda, I think you should try selling something, anything from around your house that you no longer need or want.  I think that if you do sell something you will get a whole new perspective of eBaying . . . . . and feedback!

Message 12 of 67
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Re: feedback for buyers

and just in case you were wondering belinda . . . . . when I sell an item I leave feedback shortly after a buyer pays . . . . . and I choose to do feedback this way.  When I buy, I respect 100% those sellers I buy from who wait until I leave feedback before they leave me feedback.

Message 13 of 67
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Re: feedback for buyers

I just don't get it what is the job of a buyer

buy and pay so if they do this leave them feedback

Then its the sellers turn ship the as described product then the buyer gives u feedback

what am I not getting



You're not getting the fact that it's the seller's choice if/and when to leave feedback - they don't owe it to buyers, just like buyers don't owe it to sellers, and even if buyers think it's really neat to get feedback, it changes nothing about the transaction to actually get it except, perhaps, how they feel about the seller. It doesn't change the time it took the seller to post or make AP deliver it faster, it doesn't make the item the person bought any nicer, or last longer, or make their butt look smaller.... 


You're also not getting the fact that, ok, fine, a buyer's one obligation - "job" - is to pay. So a buyer pays for the item they bought - gcan you think of anything they can do after that to make the transaction non-positive for a seller?


Just like there's a lot a seller can do after they've shipped the item to not deserve a positive, there's things a buyer can do after they paid to sour the transaction - things like feedback extortion, chargebacks, fraudulent PayPal claims, being absolutely shockingly rude to the seller about a minor problem, even though the problem isn't the seller's fault, and the seller remains polite, calm and is bending over backwards to help them resolve that problem... This list goes on.


Paying is the one thing buyers "have" to do, but there's a heck of a lot some buyers don't have to do yet choose to do anyway - after they've paid - that makes a transaction non-positive for a seller; and it's not about "I'll wait to see if this buyer is a jerk or scammer before I leave FB", it's "I'll wait until the transaction is completely finalised before I leave feedback".

Message 14 of 67
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Re: feedback for buyers

Why do some buyers get so hung up over feedback?


It means nothing to a buyer as it has to be positive or the seller leaves no feedback at all.


Once a buyer has 10 feedback is makes no difference if the seller waits for day 59 or leaves feedback as soon as the buyer pays.


I won't leave feedback if I am using my phone or tablet because I find the ebay app so bad as to be useless therefore the buyer has to wait until I am on the computer at my home.


If my mother needs me to stay for a night or two then so what if a buyer has to wait for a couple of days for feedback?


Once I know an item is sold I go to my place and prepare the item for postage and then go to the Post Office on my way back to my mother's.


Surely the fact that the item is posted is far more important to a buyer than any feedback I might leave?

Message 15 of 67
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Re: feedback for buyers

If a buyer prefers to buy from a seller who leaves feedback as soon as they pay then they are more than welcome to do so however I am more interested in purchasing from a seller who has impeccable feedback so there is every chance I will receive an as described item within a reasonable time frame.


If I wanted to purchase green dots then I would buy dozens of cheap 50c items from China with free postage ๐Ÿ˜‰

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 16 of 67
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Re: feedback for buyers


If I wanted to purchase green dots then I would buy dozens of cheap 50c items from China with free postage ๐Ÿ˜‰


That's what I'm doing, all these years of training buying so I can reach a power level of over 9000.


Man, I'm gonna be so pumped, and eventually, my hair will get all golden and glow-y. 



Message 17 of 67
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Re: feedback for buyers


That's what I'm doing, all these years of training buying so I can reach a power level of over 9000.


Man, I'm gonna be so pumped, and eventually, my hair will get all golden and glow-y. 





dg, you look hot! :-x

Message 18 of 67
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Re: feedback for buyers


dg, you look hot! :-x




I'm just Saiyan.... B-)








(hint: search "saiyan wig")

Message 19 of 67
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Re: feedback for buyers

k1ooo-slr-sales I have sold items on here so I do get it. I guess the main thing I struggle with is the fact that I read from people on these sites that they block buyers because of there feed back they cancel sales because they feel uneasy with a buyers feedback ....but then say feedback has no importance to a buyer huh can't have it both ways

Then I read about how feedback policies should be changed because sellers are not happy with how it works. I have also read about sellers thinking feedback should be a must for buyers when they buy something.

 Think what would happen if people like myself didn't leave positive feedback with nice comments for a good sale all a seller would have is negatives from people not happy. The same for sellers not leaving positives for buyers. All buyers would be blocked as the sellers cross about not getting a positive would write something that leads other buyers to think they can't be pleased.

I really believe the only way any of this will work if everyone leaves feedback on a truthful realistic level. So we can all make well informed choices of who we deal with.


When life gives you lemons.
Squeeze them into people's eyes
Message 20 of 67
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