on 12-12-2014 11:16 PM
My wife bought a pair of shoes that turned out to be 2 different sizes.She returned the shoes and the seller issued a refund,when no money went into my account I asked Paypal what happened to it,turns out they kept it and just deducted the amount from my next purchases.Is this legal/fair and when did they start this process .What would happen if I did not purchase anything else?
on 12-12-2014 11:23 PM
on 12-12-2014 11:29 PM
What account are you talking about?
If you funded the paypal payment with your paypal funds or your bank account the refund goes to your paypal account and you can transfer it to your bank account if you want to.
If it was funded with a debit or credit card the refund goes back to that account and takes a few days to appear.
It has always been that way. Paypal doesn't just keep your money...it is in your paypal account for you to either transfer to your bank account or spend.
on 12-12-2014 11:30 PM
when you say no money went into your account, do you mean your bank account, or your paypal account?
on 16-12-2014 08:18 AM
It was paid with paypal and funded through my visa card.I rang Paypal when I did not see the money go back into my bank account and they told me the money would come off my next purchase.It never went back into my account
on 16-12-2014 11:00 AM
Have another look at your visa card account - it might take time but it will be there.
on 16-12-2014 11:12 AM
If you used your Visa Card then what they probably ment was that it will show as a credit back into your Visa Card account . That can take as much as 7 days to show .