on 23-04-2013 03:36 PM
the item location I find a important feature that I reckon it would get constantly used everyone all the time,
it should be there right in front of you like it use to be easy access.
now you have to click on to more refinements, then item locations, then adjust it, Why would you do that ?
making it that bit harder, then you have to go into again just to clear it, this should be easier than that, but then they have added "FORMAT" on the side menu, but you can still select these options at the top of the listings anyway..why does it need to be doubled up ?
also what happen to the side menu, its gotten wider , plus the other side with the adverts, combined that's only leaves about half a screen to cram the listing in.
on 23-04-2013 03:50 PM
Cram the listing to make more room for the adds to keep ebay fees lower.
Well that is how the powers that be at ebay see it.
on 23-04-2013 03:58 PM
ebay only ever tinkers with the things that do work. All the broken stuff just gets left.
on 23-04-2013 04:16 PM
The new format is horrible. There's almost no distinction at all between each listing, like everything is all from one big "eBay" store.
The sliding bar for price range is also a step back. It's alright if the item you're looking for has a narrow range, but I just looked for something that has prices ranging from 99c to $20k, and that bar makes what used to be a simple task (eg type $25 in the from box then type $50 in the to box so you would get items priced between $25 and $50 with one click), into something quite frustrating.
Click the button, slide it one way to try and land on the price, let go of button, page reloads. Go through same process if you want a from-to range.
Bah humbug.
on 23-04-2013 04:22 PM
i dont like the new format either........plus I was looking up *doll clothes* and got all girlie clothes..........that have nothing to do with doll clothes.
Why cant ebay leave it like it was??
on 23-04-2013 04:26 PM
Currently I'm getting page after page of auctions that have ended when searching them under "time ending soonest". I'm struggling to make the page a workable size. They let this out the laboratory too soon. Why don't they use themselves as test subjects first? I'll look in tomorrow to see if it's working, or what the next phase of the experiment entails.
on 23-04-2013 05:27 PM
I constantly use the distance feature,
ie I search for VW Beetle parts every day, I sort by newly listed (dont need to see items that were listed last week, ive already reviewed them) and read down all of the new listings, reviewing part, price, delivery options & distance from me...
I could quickly see that a part was 'Pick up only' & 3000km away, no need to look further.. its too far, now the 'distance from me' has dissapeared... even if i go into a listing, it shows selling location (as a town) but i have to go to maps to see where on earth this town is & if i would drive to go get the item...
its a pain to change to items within a set radius, then i loose all the items at the other end of the counrty that can be posted to me....
if i change to 'nearest first' it shown the distance, but then i have to read all 13,000 item to find any new listings....
hopefully eBay actually read these posts, not just us complaining to each other....
on 23-04-2013 06:40 PM
What the HELL is going on Ebay this new format is crap PUT IT BACK the way it was even before the last changes . AS stated above the Item location is very important to EVERYONR so they can see how far away it is from them if its to far then I would think most people would bypass it now you are forced to look at everything to see where it is PUT IT BACK
on 23-04-2013 07:03 PM
Ebay probably doesn't want an Australian market
It's my suspicion they've been trying to get rid of us for years
Maybe there exist legal reasons which prevent them from just closing down the Aussie side of things. So perhaps they're just going to cheese us off until we quit
What other explanation is there for a site which has become less friendly and more irritating and problematic with each passing month ?
on 25-04-2013 08:36 AM
I use it almost always when searching items....
this is coming close to the dumbest backward step ever.
this is wasting my time in a big way.
very annoying.
to be fair it was very close to useless before, surprisingly- they have managed to make it worse.
IMO lack of personal customisation equals death in the new world.
the dumbing down of technology doesnt work as a long term proposition,