on 04-03-2019 11:21 AM
For some reason an item I got on the 1st isn't shoing in my ebay. It's paid for and shows up in my paypal but not in my ebay. I have another item that I got on the 2nd showing up just fine though.
on 04-03-2019 01:47 PM
I presume you mean bought on the 1st, not got on the 1st. Look at your purchases for the last 60 days and see if it shows up there. Did you happen to purchase in February and pay on the 1st?
on 04-03-2019 01:48 PM
correction, did you pay on 1st March after buying in February?
on 04-03-2019 02:02 PM
Is it maybe under 'hidden'?
Or scroll to the bottom of the page. Maybe it was cancelled?