on โ19-02-2014 06:00 PM
Recently purchased an item from the states which turned up not as described, chipped crystal on watch. Having had experience with sending items back to the good old US of A and having to go through the paypal system my initial thought was to try and recoup my money through advertising it honestly on ebay oz and getting on with my life. Item did not sell so option two , sending it back to seller and asking for my money back. The seller asked me to try and keep postage down to a minimal which I thought was admirable and subsequently posted the watch back in a secure, smaller container. On receipt of the watch the seller emails me to say that the item was not been returned in the container nor the watchband it had on when he sent it, I had changed the band for my listing and forgot to swap his band back over. Needless to say this went to a paypal dispute where apon I told them my tale of woe (not forgetting that none of this would have been necessary if the seller had been upfront about the condition of the watch and not photo shopped the crack) stating that yes, i had changed the watch strap but would be happy to post back. Paypal found in favour of the seller because item was returned not in the original condition i had received. I am now out of pocket for two lots of postage cost of watch and the watch itself.
I rang paypal to find out the logic in all this but was given the exact same answer , i had modified the watch so no case to answer too.
Am still in a state of disbelieve that paypal can be so narrow in there idea of whats right and whats wrong.
on โ19-02-2014 06:04 PM
To have buyer protection the item MUST be returned in the condition it was received.
Paypal have done the right thing by the seller sorry.
on โ19-02-2014 06:06 PM
on โ19-02-2014 06:12 PM
You broke the rules, sorry.
If you changed the band and did not return it in it's original box then why would you expect paypal to find in your favour.
In this case the seller had every right to be protected...how does he know what else you might have done to the watch.
on โ19-02-2014 06:27 PM
on โ19-02-2014 06:37 PM
Did you wife also tell you she is right?
I can see where you are coming from, but paypal just does not work like that.
If you had put back the original band and returned it in its original box you probably would have received your refund.
I have never had a problem with paypal disputes but I do follow the rules.
on โ19-02-2014 08:51 PM
on โ20-02-2014 07:18 AM
Well I must say you guys are a very understanding lot when it comes to the rules, no grey areas all black and white, maybe its time to admit defeat , learn a lesson and move on the to the next trade. thank you all for your opinions regards Steve
on โ20-02-2014 10:33 AM
i'm surprised no one has picked up on the fact you have had 3 paypal claims since nov 18 2013.
Did you think Paypal are there just for you?
You have left Negative Positive's for several buyer's.
Complained and left a neutral when seller's dont cancel the transaction's you have started.
You continuously break Ebay rules regarding the Feedback system.
I glad no happy that Paypal found in the sellers favour.
Was it worth the negative you left them after all it was your fault.
The rules are there for everyone Buyer and Seller alike you dont get to follow which rules you like and ignore the one's you dont.
on โ20-02-2014 10:41 AM