seller charged me postage for two items and then sent together - wrong?

Community Member

hope someone can help me here.  last weekend I won two auctions from a seller.  first was for 99 cents + 8.50 shipping.  i sent through payment straight away.  then a half hour later I won a second auction $36.99 + $7 shipping.  I messaged the seller before paying for the second and asked if he could combine postage on the two items. he said sorry it but the first was already packed up and courier called, so no combining.  so I paid the 36.99 + 7 shipping for the second one. each item had a different tracking number, but all the week the first items tracking number just says "shipping info received by australia post" without any updates, while tracking on the second kept updating during the week.


today I received the second item, and it had the first item packed in with it.  the seller obviously decided to combine them to save on postage, and pocket the extra payment I made for postage, after saying he coulntt combine them.  they're both small and light items, and i don't think sending them together would have cost any more - still less than 500g combined in a small box.


can i report this seller to ebay and get my second postage payment back?  thanks for any help.

Message 1 of 83
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seller charged me postage for two items and then sent together - wrong?

Having empathy for the seller is one thing, but I can't go so far as to say their actions are acceptable just because the reasons behind their decisions may be understandable (that phrase is probably gettin' a bit old, but I think it's an important distinction to make). For a more obvious example, it's understandable that a seller wants to get the best price they possibly can when auctioning an item, however it is not acceptable to engage in dubious practices to acheive that (shill bidding, misrepresenting item condition, etc). 


I'm all for cutting sellers some slack where warranted, probably have a stronger bias towards sellers in a lot of cases, and I'm not suggesting the buyer should be enraged and do as much damage as they can, or anything even remotely like that, but I'd be a little annoyed by something like this.


JMHO It's not that the seller wouldn't combine postage post-sale - this isn't quite like when a buyer purchases several items, asks a seller afterwards if they'll combine postage for a reduced cost, and the seller just says no and sends a combined invoice with the postage tallied at the full amount while actual postage is a lot less than paid, and the buyer getting a bit hot under the collar because it feels unfair.


It's the false excuse, whether originally intended or not. At the simplest level, it's saying one thing and doing another. In my mind it's not too far removed from advertising free postage, then invoicing with postage costs added (in the sense that it's saying one thing, doing another, at the buyer's expense). I might ultimately dismiss it, sellers have mildy aggravated me numerous times over the years, with similar practices where a simple, polite but curt message was sent (by me), and that was the end of it. 


If they had been up front and honest, or acknowledged postage could be combined afterall, this thread probably wouldn't exist - instead they said it wasn't possible, because it was too late, but it clearly was possible - that's what would bother me. Whether the seller discovered that before or after the second label generation is irrelevant, because they were aware the buyer had queried combined postage, and it would seem they made their decision knowing what they'd told the buyer, and what they ended up doing, were contradictory, and I can't see how they could have made that decision without expecting the buyer to go 'what the...?' upon receipt. Smiley Frustrated Whether or not the total price was ultimately a good deal is irrelevant to that - cheap items, or good deals, don't excuse sellers from less than stellar behaviour, just like spending wads of cash doesn't excuse buyers from less than stellar behaviour. 



Message 21 of 83
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seller charged me postage for two items and then sent together - wrong?

Well. I'm going to be the odd one out, here....  (not unusual for me though LOL)


I'm sick of all these 'what if's' and 'you still got a bargain at that price' comments.... FACT of the matter is buyer  bought two items at a winning price. Seller told buyer items had to be sent separately, please pay two postages.

Buyer was happy to do that and did. ALL FACT!!!



HOWEVER....... also FACT.... Seller has sent items as one parcle, costing one postage!

Seller is in the wrong. FACT!

Seller is NOT ENTITLED to keep the two postage payments when he only used one!!!


I'm on  the buyers side here. I'd be peeved off too. Especially since seller claimed first winning item was already packed and courier organised.

The OP could (not should, but could) email the seller and politely ask for a partial refund on postage since seller sent both items in one parcle. I dont know if the OP could report the seller for making a profit on postage costs or not....


Depending on the sellers response, if he gives a refund, green dot.

If he says rock-off, then definately give a red dot with 1 star ratings all round.

Cheers folks...   Man Tongue





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Message 22 of 83
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seller charged me postage for two items and then sent together - wrong?



I understand your position.


Having posted on these trading boards for many years now I have learnt that sometimes a buyer will come here and post and everyone takes a position based on the picture the buyer has painted, only for the seller to that buyer come along and paint a different picture.  That is why I asked the OP some questions, to help fill in the picture for me.


Many times, many of us have had to reassess our stance once we have the full picture.  At this stage we only have one side of the story, and I form an opinion based on my experiences both here on the boards and from my buying and selling experiences.


I would caution anybody about the risks associated with taking one side as FACT.

Message 23 of 83
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seller charged me postage for two items and then sent together - wrong?

k1ooo-slr-sales wrote:

teporar0 wrote:


>>> the seller is either in the right or in the wrong, regardless of how experienced either of us are.


>>> i think they did it because they were expecting the 99c item to sell for more and stuipdly thought they could claw back some extra $$$



having bought the items on another ID, and from the content of your posts, I am assuming that you have a fair understanding about how eBay works for buyers.  If this assumption is wrong then please let me know.  Not sure from your posts if you have any selling experience.


I'm going to ask some questions so I can get a better understanding of the situation you are in:

- For the 99c item, was it a good buy . . . . . even with the postage added?

- Did it fall within your total spend limit for that item?

- If it was a $9.50 buy-it-now item with free postage would you have still bought it?

- If it was $9.50 with free postage and you won the other item as well, would you have expected the postage to be taken off the other item because both would fit in the one parcel?


#####  i don't think the ethics of the sellers actions are hinge on whether it was a good buy or not, or hypotheticals about other selling formats. my expectations when buying are simply for information given by a seller to be accurate and honest, from the item description to details about postage and despatch. treat me fairly, and i'll do the same.



>>> the seller is either in the right or in the wrong, regardless of how experienced either of us are.


Wow, I wish I could be so cut and dry about issues that arise on eBay.



>>> i think they did it because they were expecting the 99c item to sell for more and stuipdly thought they could claw back some extra $$$


You have effectively labelled the seller as stupid for keeping the $8.50 following a 99c sale.  I can't understand why a seller would be stupid for trying to get a fair price for their item even if it is through not offering discounted postage.  Rather, they may be stupid misguided for following eBay's prompts to start an auction at 99c to stimulate buyer interest.  Also, there is a difference between combined and discounted postage.


Selling on eBay nowadays is hard enough without having to give away auction items that sell for just 99c . . . . . . I mean, they pay a 10c eBay final value fee on item cost, 85c fvf on $8.50 postage and 55c PayPal fee.  If postage was removed from this item they still pay 43c in fees leaving them with 56c!  Is the real value of that item just 56c or much higher? Geeez, you can't even buy a wagon wheel for 56c nowadays.


I guess it is up to each and every one of us to decide if the seller is doing something wrong bad or just got sucked in by eBay's recommendation to start the item at 99c.


Without knowing what the item is and how much it is worth, in real terms and not eBay auction value of 99c, I will leave it at that.


yes, i believe what the seller has done to be stupid.  it involves misleading their buyer in a way that's obvious and going to be noticed, misleading ebay to a degree, and leaving themselves open to a couple of red marks and potentially an INR case if i wanted to stoop to that level. all that for an extra $7.  they had a few auctions finishing that day, totalled about $850 in the end, so a bit of shifty work and they've increased there take for the day by about 1% - is it really worth the risk? and for what it's worth, the seller has been registered with eBay since 2002 and has nearly 200 feedback from selling, so should be well of ebays and paypals fees and the inplications of listing at 99 cents.


finally, i completely agree...wagon wheels have increased in price over the years, and while i still enjoy them from time to time, the value proposition is not as good as it was.


Message 24 of 83
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seller charged me postage for two items and then sent together - wrong?

Hdepending on the volume of sales a seller makes, some will pack each and every item they sell once they have taken photos and listed the item.  Some posters here on the boards have said that they do that with items they have listed ( not on this thread but on other threads).


For this reason, it is not unreasonable to take a seller at face value when they say shortly after an item has ended and been immediately paid for that it is already packed.  It may only need a label to be attached.


The OP waited half an hour before messaging the seller and asking about combining.  Once they saw the other item they could have messaged and said "I am interested in another of your items and will be bidding on <item title> and would like you to combine the items should I win this other one if possible" .  Instead, they waited until after they had won the second item, in itself not wrong, but it may have put the seller on the spot and they responded inappropriately.  Given time, they may have responded differently in the hope that the buyer would bid more aggressively to win the second item.


edited to add: wagon wheels rock, just ask padi and tippy!  Here's one from a batch I made last week The hole in the middle is from the skewer I used to hold it while being coated in chocolate - 70% cocoa chocolate that is



Message 25 of 83
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seller charged me postage for two items and then sent together - wrong?

you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but can I ask what the 99c item was?

Message 26 of 83
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seller charged me postage for two items and then sent together - wrong?

Did the seller state that he offers combined postage?  You got that.

Did the seller offer DISCOUNTED postage?   If not, then he has every right to charge the full postage on both items.


Message 27 of 83
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seller charged me postage for two items and then sent together - wrong?

An old joke comes to mind with this thread.


A letter to Mum, and at the end of the letter -


"I would have enclosed $50,  but I had already sealed the envelope."





Message 28 of 83
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seller charged me postage for two items and then sent together - wrong?

@lyndal1838 wrote:

Did the seller state that he offers combined postage?  You got that.

Did the seller offer DISCOUNTED postage?   If not, then he has every right to charge the full postage on both items.


While that is absolutely true....... he must also send both items seperately.


...and he didnt.

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Message 29 of 83
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seller charged me postage for two items and then sent together - wrong?

@lyndal1838 wrote:

Did the seller state that he offers combined postage?  You got that.

Did the seller offer DISCOUNTED postage?   If not, then he has every right to charge the full postage on both items.


Sorry, but this is kind of missing the point.


The buyer got combined postage, yes, but after being expressly told it was too late and that they couldn't have combined postage - what reason would there be for A) saying no and doing it anyway, or B) discovering it could be done after all and saying nothing to the person who asked about it and literally paid two separate postage costs? 


If anyone can find me an eBay member (other than regulars of this board, as this notion has been posted numerous times) who has never thought there were implied cost savings inherent in the phrase "combined postage", I'll be very surprised indeed.  


Message 30 of 83
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