An interesting article in this months Collectables Trader magazine by Dorothy Johnston, where she reiterates her claim that John Barnard Knight produced the koala pieces often found labelled as Classic Art Ware and contends that the pieces attributed by herself to Delamere Pottery but appearing with CAW stickers may be the result of (I am quoting from Johnsons article in italics bearing in mind the allowable reproduction usage under copyright of 10% of the original article for research purposes, or criticism and review, see Australian Copyright Council Information sheet G34)
"There is the possibility that a roll of CAW stickers could have been discovered in the deceased estate of someone attached to the RMIT and is being used indiscriminantly" I think this is an long bow to draw to support your ascertation about something that has to date had no concrete evidence to support it.
In the article she provides 2 photos of the large koala vase, one she attributes to CAW, the other to John Barnard Knight. Neither have any mention of how either attribution is arrived at, other than the comment that the one attributed to JBK is
"wheel thrown glazed earthenware with carved relief decoration." when these pieces are slip cast with applied decoration (ie the koala and the log - also slip cast - and handmade gumnuts and gumleaves)
In the article Johnson claims, that in her 2nd book
"there are koala ornaments with CAW stickers which I have now identified as not being Classic Art Ware. Original Classic Art Ware koalas did not have black on the top edge of the koalas ears." Unfortunately, Johnson gives no indication as to how she has come to this conclusion, some evidence would have been much appreciated.
However, Johnson does states :
"Delamere did produce koala and gumnut pieces similar to that made by Barnard Knight but not of the same quality. As Bob Johnson said [from Delamere pottery aged in his 90's] we made our gumleaves curl up on the edge"
I was hoping, when this article was brought to my attention, that some solid evidence may have arisen, sadly, once again it appears to be just more conjecture, some of it pretty far fetched. I for one remain unconvinced of any comnection between JBK and CAW, and my gut feeling about CAW and Delamere remains as strong - you only have to have these pieces in front of you to see the glazes and the methods are the same.
I guess the question may now need to be asked though - has anyone ever seen a Delamere signature or sticker on even one of the green/burgundy mottled pieces attributed to Delamere? The only connection that comes to mind is the vase in the third pic in my original post with the CAW sticker , and the signed Delamere ones with the same shape but different glaze that were recently listed on ebay (can't find the listing to link), and the large signed koala vase, which again has a different glaze, not the green/burgundy (and no curling leaves)

Anyway, all food for thought, hope I haven't bored those of you who managed to finish this, to death!