How is everyone?

Not applicable
I wiull probably get a smack for this, but, here goes.

Wilma, how is Neil? My email is playing up, so until I get it fixed I thought I would post this.

So..sound off please...............Linda here, and, I am slightly twisted, but good.LOL
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Re: How is everyone?

Why get a smack?

I will join you with the description.

Update please Wilma.
Message 2 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

Hello everyone,
Thanks for the inquiry, Neil is fine, he had all the tests and scans and they showed that for a person of his age he is very fiit and well. He has to use a "puffer" twice a day, he has had one for a number of years and only used it occasionally, he is now under orders for twice a day, two puffs and rinse your mouth out. They call it preventative medicine. He has had a stress test and passed it, then a chest Xray and his lungs are fine. They thought his "attack" was probably caused by reflux and some stress. He no longer takes aspirin every day as it may have irritated his osophegous!!! Incidentally I probably caused the stress.

Message 3 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

He has to rinse his mouth because the prevent-er is a steroid and it messes with the mucus membrane of his mouth. If Neil is like Mr Yamada who doesnt get asthma just a wheeze every now and then he needs a kick. I have seen people get chest pain from stress and reflux and I thought they were having a heart attack. Stress can do that. Asprin can cause stomache ulcers as well.
"Lee I don't think we are the normal ones"
Message 4 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

Not applicable
That's good news Wilma. The puffer will give him thrush if he does not rinse his mouth out. Do you think it was stress from when you had your op?
Message 5 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

Hi Miss Linda, and goodonya for starting this thread. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks for the info on the puffer. I'm like Mr Yamada and need it once a year or less but I never knew to rinse my mouth out afterwards.

I'm fine and we're baby sitting Zara tonight. She is teething and really out of sorts which is most unlike her. Mum should be here soon but she really hasn't had much sleep. ๐Ÿ˜ž OH is doing his bit with her now so I think I'd best go give him a break.

Wilma, great to hear Neil is doing well and I hope you are also.

~ Mon ~
Message 6 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

I'm recovering from a day trip to Rottnest Island today ๐Ÿ˜‰
Rotten job but somebody had to escort our two visiting Japanese students :^O
We even got to see a pod of dolphins surfing in the break out at the West End
And you know the wost bit? I get paid for it...
Message 7 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

tht would be worst. Good job I wasn't teaching them English.
Message 8 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

Hi Mon,
I seem to be really good in the legs department, can do 2 k's on the exercise bike at about 15km.s an hour with a little pressure and my legs are fine, everyone is very happy with the results.
Got new glasses this week, seems I am growing a cataract on my left eye, not much to worry about, guess when it is a problem they will just take it off.
Have been having a problem with my feet and legs swelling, had to have a kidney function test before they would prescribe fluid tablets. Started a low dose Lasix, seemed to be doing the job. Had another kidney function test, it is an ouch result, my function, which has been about 50 for a while dropped from 49 to 37 in 2 weeks since I started the pills - no more pills, another test next week and hopefully it will have improved.
I'm getting to the stage where I don't want to go to the doctor, they always seem to be finding things wrong, just get one thing fixed and another one appears.
Think I should just sit on the beach, eat crayfish, drink red wine and smoke a pipe, well maybe I won't smoke. ]:)
Message 9 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

Will you be doing that when you are on holiday.

If it was me I would be doing all you said,even the last bit LOL.
Message 10 of 1,143
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