Hi Mon,
I seem to be really good in the legs department, can do 2 k's on the exercise bike at about 15km.s an hour with a little pressure and my legs are fine, everyone is very happy with the results.
Got new glasses this week, seems I am growing a cataract on my left eye, not much to worry about, guess when it is a problem they will just take it off.
Have been having a problem with my feet and legs swelling, had to have a kidney function test before they would prescribe fluid tablets. Started a low dose Lasix, seemed to be doing the job. Had another kidney function test, it is an ouch result, my function, which has been about 50 for a while dropped from 49 to 37 in 2 weeks since I started the pills - no more pills, another test next week and hopefully it will have improved.
I'm getting to the stage where I don't want to go to the doctor, they always seem to be finding things wrong, just get one thing fixed and another one appears.
Think I should just sit on the beach, eat crayfish, drink red wine and smoke a pipe, well maybe I won't smoke. ]:)