How is everyone?

Not applicable
I wiull probably get a smack for this, but, here goes.

Wilma, how is Neil? My email is playing up, so until I get it fixed I thought I would post this.

So..sound off please...............Linda here, and, I am slightly twisted, but good.LOL
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Re: How is everyone?

Hi, Have some bad news to tell you.  Our baby parrot decided to go for a fly today, apparently he landed in our neighbours yard and their 2 Golden Retriever dogs thought he was a new toy.  What a bummer, I guess it happens fairly frequently in the wild but we never expected something like that in our neighbourhood.  Sort of think we will take the nest boxes down so that we don't encourage them to nest there again and maybe have the same thing happen.


Message 911 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

Oh Wilma, how sad. :_|:_|:_|  

You really can't blame the dogs, they didn't know he was special. I agree about removing the nest box, at least for a while.  They generally only breed once a year I think.  You do have a gorgeous pic to remember him and the excitement he gave you. :-x

~ Mon ~
Message 912 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?


Poor little parrot

Message 913 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

So sad 

Message 914 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

Not applicable

That's bad luck Wilma, pic is beautiful though.

Message 915 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

Our parent parrots seem to be taking an usual amount of interest in the second nesting box, he sits on the fence or shed while she explores the box.  It has a better "roost" on it, rather than a single piece on one side this one is built like a verandah rail round three sides, much better for a baby parrot having his first attempt at flying to launch from.  Is it just possible that they are going to nest again, now wouldn't that be something.  

Will keep you posted.


Message 916 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

Havent been around for a while. Have cut down my opping seriously except for stuff for Wires for which I am a rescuer and bird carer. Most of the oppies are charging too much for me to be comfortable to pay. And the treasures are less. I have 7 within a 15 minute radius to go to.  I know they have huge overheads and I still dress the family exclusively oppie.  We are as well planned some big trips in our caravan. My daughter in in the Uk doing her PHD, my DS 21 is in the city at uni and the youngest son is working as a labourer until he can go bush and do an agricultural course. Things are quiet on ebay as far as selling is concerned and I just dont have the energy to do it so I have packed it all up for later.

"Lee I don't think we are the normal ones"
Message 917 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

Not applicable

I think a lot of folk have stopped selling, or, scaled it down Singing, sign f the times I guess.

Had a scare with youngest and her baby, but she went to Albury for a special scan and she and her baby are both ok.


Have my kitchen table full of Chrismas bags ful of pressies, (albiet, small pressies) only two more to buy and I am done.

Message 918 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

You are so well organised.  I have bought gifts for my ladies lunch group and the secret santa for my Service Club (Zonta).  Neil is always a bit of a problem and small dog likes new toys.  Had  BIT OF LUCK YESTERDAY, WE ARE AT kINGAROY FOR A 2 DAY SHOOT, CAME OUT YESTERDAY, FRIDAY, BOUGHT THE LOCAL PAPER TO SEE WHAT GARAGE SALES WERE ON. WHAT LUCK, 2 YESTERDAY AND ANOTHER ONE THAT WAS SETTING UP AND THEY LET US HAVE A LOOK SEE, sorry about the capitals.  Found a big old flint comport, in a hobnail pattern, just what my friend collects and perfect for her from Santa.  Neil is currently out having a look at the rest of them, and will also call into the local monthly market.  We don't have to be at the gun club until 9.30, that is start time, so he has plenty of time.  I also found a lovely red linen shirt at one of the op shops, just what I had been looking for, looks hardly worn, still has its tags and just my size, what a bargain $7.  Could be said we had a good day, wonder what will turn up this morning.

Message 919 of 1,143
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Re: How is everyone?

Is no one using this line besides me.  Well nothing turned up at the rest of the garage sales and the Markets were a failure unless you wanted fruit and veg or plants.

We are home again but have to leave on Sunday.  I have a date with Greenslopes Hospital in Brisbane on Monday morning, have to be admitted and rehydrated and have a stent put in my right renal artery on Tuesday.  I asked could I be rehydrated with red wine rather than saline (if that is what they will use), not sure how I went with it but it was worth asking for.  I should be out again on Wednesday and will be back home on Thursday.  Neil will stay with his sister and BIL in Redcliff.  Will let you know when I am back home again.


Message 920 of 1,143
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