What I've found in July. :-)

Who will be first in with a find this month?

~ Mon ~
Message 1 of 34
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Re: Spoiler tag/smileys

@muditer wrote:

smilies? I didn't see them!

Cat Very Happy



but I don't know what a spoiler tag is either LOL

A spoiler tag is like a hidden message.


To bring up the spoiler tag you click on the yellow/white icon next to the ABC with the line through it.


Then just type in whatever you want in the greyed out line.


To create a second one just click enter and a second box will appear,(then just type into that box).


Then when someone click on the tag the message will display.


Hi! all,good.gif



To create your own smileys just download any of these you want into your pictures folder,(right click on the one you want and then select Save Image As).


crying.gif  Whistle.gif  Thank you.gif  Rain.gif  Angry head bang.gif  Sunnies.gif  good.gif   give_rose.gif  coffee_spray.gif  clapping.gif  bye.gif  brickwall.gifblush-1.gif  blum.gif  bad.gif  


complaintsgif.gif  tease.gif  stubborn_smiley_by_mirz123-d4bt0te_zps12f1a5a3.gif  shok.gif  secret.gif  rofl.gif  pardon.gif  ok.giflazy-1.gif  th1rits.gif


You can then upload any that you want from your computer by clicking on the tree symbol in the reply box and


clicking on Browse in the blue box,(that will take you to your pictures folder).


The other option will be in another post.


Message 31 of 34
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Re: Spoiler tag/smileys

To create an album for the smileys just click on your user ID whilst logged into the discussion boards.


Then on the top left is Albums and underneath that is Add Images,click on it.


A Browse button will then appear next to the words Image.


Once you click on it it'll take you to your pictures folder.


Select the photos you want,(you can upload up to ten at a time but I prefer 8 as it might miss behave otherwise).


Once the photos are up just upload them.(this will take you your Preview).


You then have the choice of albums and the option to make your album public or private,(which you'll need to do for each album


you create).


Then you can name your album and add a description.


Then Save,(all done).


To get them to the boards just click on the little tree in the reply box and select From my Gallery,good.gif


Select the image you want and then click on insert Image,(all done).Sunnies.gif

It takes a bit to start with but it's worth it in the end IMHO.


Their smileys are,bad.gif


Message 32 of 34
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Re: Spoiler tag/smileys

Love your work! t2036.gif

Message 33 of 34
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Re: Spoiler tag/smileys



I know how frustrating this new format is and I try and help where I can,ok.gif



Message 34 of 34
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