27 australians missing on downed malaysian flight



DUTCH authorities have confirmed that 27 Australians were among the 295 on board the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 which crashed overnight.

Anyone with concerns about friends or family, contact the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on 1300 555 135

DFAT: 'Grave concerns' for Australians on board MH17

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27 australians missing on downed malaysian flight

That is way they have Radar and tracking missile !!!

Message 51 of 209
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27 australians missing on downed malaysian flight

@*mrgrizz* wrote:

can you see a jumbo jet flying at 33000 feet(10 km) from the ground to even shoot at?

 With heat-seeking missiles, you don't have to see anything.  They just follow the

 heat of the engines.

Message 52 of 209
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27 australians missing on downed malaysian flight

Commercial planes being 'shot down' happens more often than is widely known or reported in the mainstream media.


I posted on a different thread my opinion that missing Flight MH370 was similarly targeted and shot down and copped much chastisement, verbal abuse and bullying.


What?....no Americans on board on this latest confirmed shooting down of a commercial passenger plane ?


 ? USA is heading up the investigation i.e. FBI/CIA.......but seemingly under the 'direction' of the Malaysian Airlines? -place bets here.

This is dirty, dirty EVIL 'business' .



IMO the guilty will be made to pay, if not in this life then the next.


My thoughts and prayers for souls lost and all those family and friends is sincere and heartfelt.


 - if Govts buckled/accepted pressure being blatantly applied in such evil ways and said 'yes! let's provide support to XXX rage war against xxx' .....would shooting down of commercial jets, bombing of tourist resorts and major sporting events miraculously cease?.....






Message 53 of 209
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27 australians missing on downed malaysian flight

Commercial planes being 'shot down' happens more often than is widely known or reported in the mainstream media.


If they are not known about or reported in the mainstream media then where do you get the inside indormation that none of us possess? 

Message 54 of 209
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27 australians missing on downed malaysian flight

@icyfroth wrote:

@love*today wrote:
I keep pondering on how this morning the Americans said that if any Americans were aboard they'd be hell to pay......yet Australia has lost over 25 civilians and we seem to be (for a non slap able word) weak in our response.

The US is busting for another smoking gun to have a go at  Russia

Think they have found it.......Hope they use everything they have  to make them pay.



Map out your future, But do it in pencil, The road ahead is as long as you make it.
Make it worth the trip.
Jon Bon Jovi
Message 55 of 209
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27 australians missing on downed malaysian flight

To late the site has been tampered with the black box is in the hands of the rebels, some bodies have even been removed, there is looting of luggage.


Russia will do a huge cover up, news says black box taken to Russia, wonder if the can tamper with it.


I am so trying not to be depressed about what is going on in the world at the moment 😞

Message 56 of 209
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27 australians missing on downed malaysian flight

ref. '....Russia will do a huge cover up, news says black box taken to Russia, wonder if the(y) can tamper with it.....'




.....may I suggest asking the question :




    *cough    Who controls, heavily vetts and systematically 'feeds' us the 'news' ?




a clue:  Smiley Wink it is not the Russians

Message 57 of 209
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27 australians missing on downed malaysian flight

Rupert Murdoch?

Message 58 of 209
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27 australians missing on downed malaysian flight

Paints please dont let your strange ideas affect the fact that 298 innocent people have died.

Can we please have the ignore button back

Message 59 of 209
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27 australians missing on downed malaysian flight

Paints, even Vladimir Putin has not suggested that either the US or the Ukraine military had any hand in this. All he has said is 

that it is Ukrain'e fault because 'They started it." 


There are the most ridiculous conspiracy theories flying around on social media with absolutely no evidence aor logic to back them up. Until the investigators are able to have a proper look at the wreckage we cannot be sure of anything. (Malaysia has already sent investigators and I doubt whether they are going to bow to with 'political expediency - they've got too much to lose.) 


In the meantime, logic says by far the most likely scenario is that it was mistaken for a Ukrainian warplane and  shot down by pro Russian rebels, probably with a missile supplied by Russia and possibly under Russian guidance.


Most likely because: a)The plane was over Rebel territory (on the Ukraine/Russian border.)


b) The rebels are known to have shot down two planes already.


c) They don't have any planes for the Ukrainian military to want to shoot down and as far as I know there have been no reports of Russian military aircraft overflying the area (any such incursions would certainly have been reported in the mainstream media.)


d) Inexperienced rebel fighters would be far more likely than trained soldiers to mistake an airliner for a military plane.


e) Even vladimir Putin - the man mostin dange of ending up with egg on his face over this-  has not suggested either that US or  Ukrainian military fired the missile or ordered anyone else to fire it.


As I said, until there is concrete evidence from the wreckage itself, we cannot be sure of the truth, but it seems a bit premature to leap at once to the most convoluted and unlikely scenario.





Message 60 of 209
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