3 bottles of champange and a bag of kettle chips

Thats my dinner. Smiley LOL

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3 bottles of champange and a bag of kettle chips

I've found since I lost all this weight I cant drink nearly as much, I know, very sad

Message 11 of 52
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3 bottles of champange and a bag of kettle chips

@freddie*rooster wrote:

Stir fry vegies, carrot, brocolli, cauli, onion, mushrooms, bok choy, garlic, ginger and a dash of ketchap manis.


That's after drinking 2 litres of water and 2 meal replacemnt shakes today, plus a 1 hr walk of 5km.


Best bit i've lost 11kg.

wow, all in one day ? that's sensational but not sustainable. I have a diet of a protein shake ( already disclosed) in the morning, fish and salad for lunch and an egg omelete or similar for dinner. my weight is 65 kilos and has been for aslong as i can remember. It is all about consistency. I also gym 3 times a week or walk and do weights. I fofgot my weakness is champers and I will NOT EVER do wthout this one addiction.

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 12 of 52
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3 bottles of champange and a bag of kettle chips

I think Kettle chips are overrated and overpriced.

Message 13 of 52
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3 bottles of champange and a bag of kettle chips

@margomeoz wrote:

Jesus freddie I might have to get you to send me your diet can you do it for my body please? Smiley Very Happy

No alcahol allowed Margo Smiley LOL

Message 14 of 52
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3 bottles of champange and a bag of kettle chips

Community Member

@margomeoz wrote:

Thats my dinner. Smiley LOL


So thats the diet of a good socialist is it Margo..... ๐Ÿ™‚   I take it that it was expensive champange? ๐Ÿ™‚  

Message 15 of 52
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3 bottles of champange and a bag of kettle chips

Okay freddie I will help you out you eat the food and I will do the drink. Smiley Very Happy

Message 16 of 52
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3 bottles of champange and a bag of kettle chips

Nah Nero just yellow and I did share it with my 2 friends. so I am a very good little or maybe big socialist. Smiley LOL

Message 17 of 52
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3 bottles of champange and a bag of kettle chips

Margo in a while you will graduate to 4 goon bags and a raw potato, the penultimate level of elegant dining ๐Ÿ™‚

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 18 of 52
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3 bottles of champange and a bag of kettle chips

I shall be indulging in a gin and tonic with fresh lime,


Sliced roast beef cooked by me, still warm, on olive baguette

patรฉ on ciabatta

Some steamed vegies with a light balsamic dressing

And...what I had today so far is a Mars Bar, a sausage roll, and a nine km walk as it was not hot.

And...my nine km walk takes in a really, really, big hill and takes a little over an hour (about one hour ten minutes)


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 19 of 52
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3 bottles of champange and a bag of kettle chips

@poddster wrote:

Margo in a while you will graduate to 4 goon bags and a raw potato, the penultimate level of elegant dining ๐Ÿ™‚

and that sounds like the socialist model poddy at the end of the day when the money runs out...... 


as Margaret Thatcher said.... The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money 


So true what Thatcher said.....



@margomeoz wrote:

Nah Nero just yellow and I did share it with my 2 friends. so I am a very good little or maybe big socialist. Smiley LOL



Nothing wrong with Yellow Margo, a rather nice drop.... and I am so glad you shared it, a terrible thing drinking alone, far better to get tipsy with comrades...... ๐Ÿ™‚







Message 20 of 52
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