on 03-02-2025 05:43 PM
4-Day Music Challenge - Theme is: A Song You Sang the Wrong Lyrics to for Ages.
For a giggle, add the lyrics you sang (if you're game) and what they really are.
Please post the artist and song title (or composer and title) and include the YouTube link without actually embedding the video
The poster of the song which has the most ‘helpfuls’ at the end of the challenge wins the round. The winner then chooses the next theme, hosts it and declares the winner at the end of the challenge.
In the event of a tie, the OP will declare the winner.
Ends on Friday 7th February.
Have fun
Solved! Go to Solution.
on 04-02-2025 11:40 AM
Most songs by Australian Crawl/James Reyne
(I just mumble along with him)
James Reyne - Hammerhead (1987) - YouTube
James Reyne - Motor's Too Fast (1988) - YouTube
on 04-02-2025 02:06 AM
Not a particularly hilarious one but the only one I can think of at the moment......
Stop Your Fussin' Boy - Toni Childs
I thought it was "Stop your cursing boy"
(I still hear "cursing' not "fussing")
on 04-02-2025 09:08 AM
The Rolling Stones - Beast Of Burden
" I'll never leave your pizza burning"
on 04-02-2025 09:11 AM
Chris Rea - Tennis
The lyric is
She pours the coffee and she says
I heard it as "Cheekbones and coffee"
on 04-02-2025 11:40 AM
Most songs by Australian Crawl/James Reyne
(I just mumble along with him)
James Reyne - Hammerhead (1987) - YouTube
James Reyne - Motor's Too Fast (1988) - YouTube
on 04-02-2025 11:45 AM
Very true
Reminds me of Adrew Denton's comments on James Rayne's cover of Wuthering Heights
on 05-02-2025 12:30 AM
One I just learned tonight while watching an old Rage episode.......
Turbo Lover - Judas Priest
Instead on "I'm your turbo lover"..... I always thought it was "I'm your perfect lover"
on 06-02-2025 12:22 AM
I Am The Walrus - The Beatles
Probably my favourite Beatle song.
But for decades I thought John sang:
"Crack a lot of fish wives, pornographic priestess".
When in fact he sang:
"Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess".
I still sing it my way when I have the odd drink.
on 07-02-2025 06:18 PM
Obviously a bad choice of subject on my part - apologies.
But, the winner is Twynnie with 4 votes.
Take it awaaay Twynnie....
on 07-02-2025 07:48 PM
not a bad choice, just difficult to list something unique any more....I will give it a try