on โ07-01-2015 09:44 AM
This is going to be a heated argument.
A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks and some Dr's want to ban her.
This follow on from the mis representation of an anti Vacciner on a current affair show on the ABC the other night.
on โ08-01-2015 10:48 AM
@outdoorhunting1 wrote:
So that's two combined vaccines ? (I forgot about CDT)
They have all those listed vaccines on the same day.
on โ08-01-2015 10:51 AM
on โ08-01-2015 11:51 AM
When the herd protection is lost, these horrible, horrible preventable diseases make a come back. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but herd protection relies on 90%+ immunisation to be effective. These anti-vaccine nutters who whip up a frenzy of fear based on discredited information should be stopped from coming here as should anyone who put us at risk.
on โ08-01-2015 12:05 PM
Ms Tenpenny (is that what she charges?) has no idea of what a blind or double-blind research trial is.
She thinks that all you have to do is stop people on the street and ask them about their medical history.
Bring her here, and we will save billions on medical research, then poof! No more co-payment at the doc.
on โ08-01-2015 12:11 PM
Yes, in excess of 90% is required.
How many children are immunised?
According to the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register, 92% of 1 year olds and 93% of 2 year olds were fully immunised in 2011. There was no difference in coverage between boys and girls, and little difference between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children.
What about older children?
At 89%, the coverage of 5 year olds was well below the near-100% target for children at school-entry age in 2011. However, it has increased from 79% in 2008.
on โ08-01-2015 01:05 PM
Az that may be an overall figure, but there are areas where the immunisation rate is higher and areas where its lower.
The more that get vaccinated, the more protection there is for those who cant, people who react or have compromised immune systems.
I think people should be advised that pertussis require boosters. I know a few people who had whooping cough in the last few years, until then I had no idea a booster was required.
on โ08-01-2015 01:12 PM
Yes, I think they need a national campaign to advise of the need for boosters. It was free for family members expecting a newborn but that has been stopped now. I think only the mother can get it for free.
on โ08-01-2015 03:10 PM
I had the boosters when my daughter was pregnant; I think it was only about $150; I cannot imagine anybody who is expected to be around a newborn not to have it done.
on โ08-01-2015 03:15 PM
@***super_nova*** wrote:I had the boosters when my daughter was pregnant; I think it was only about $150; I cannot imagine anybody who is expected to be around a newborn not to have it done.
I can't imagine any reason why someone wouldn't, if they were aware but the fact is, many adults have no idea they need one.
Cost may be a factor for some as well.
on โ09-01-2015 12:44 AM