A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

Community Member


This is going to be a heated argument.


A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks and some Dr's want to ban her.


This follow on from the mis representation of an anti Vacciner on a current affair show on the ABC the other night.







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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

@softail-joanie wrote:

You do realise joanie that sometimes it isn't all about you. There is absolutely no comparison to a baby receiving an injection to prevent a life threatening illness and rape.


I was speaking about forcing adults to take the shots vaccines, injections, for the baby's sake. but you bring up a whole other thing with the baby, one who is too young to have a say in it. Again, I don't have the answers, but what if this baby grows up, hates their life because they don't believe in the vaccinne they recieved, and kills themself rather than have this immunity they don't believe in?

Well, I'd say they have bigger issues than being immunised as a baby/child.

Making light of suicide isn't funny either. One of my neighbours suicided yesterday.

Message 101 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

Joanie. I don't think anyone is going to kill themselves because they were vaccinated as babies. 

What if for instance an adult vegetarian were to consider killing themselves because they were given meat as a child? Doesn't make a lot of sense does it?

Message 102 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

@softail-joanie wrote:

You do realise joanie that sometimes it isn't all about you. There is absolutely no comparison to a baby receiving an injection to prevent a life threatening illness and rape.


I was speaking about forcing adults to take the shots vaccines, injections, for the baby's sake. but you bring up a whole other thing with the baby, one who is too young to have a say in it. Again, I don't have the answers, but what if this baby grows up, hates their life because they don't believe in the vaccinne they recieved, and kills themself rather than have this immunity they don't believe in?

FGS joanie...grow up...you complain when people on these boards get annoyed with you...ever thought your attitude might be the reason.

Message 103 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

@lyne-flyn wrote:

FGS joanie...grow up...you complain when people on these boards get annoyed with you...ever thought your attitude might be the reason.

I think someone's gone into attention-seeking mode again...full throttle!

Message 104 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

I was speaking about forcing adults to take the shots vaccines, injections, for the baby's sake. but you bring up a whole other thing with the baby, one who is too young to have a say in it.


My mum reckoned my sister never quite forgave her for giving birth to her without her permission - factor thatSmiley LOL


Message 105 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

I was speaking about forcing adults to take the shots vaccines, injections, for the baby's sake. but you bring up a whole other thing with the baby, one who is too young to have a say in it.


My mum reckoned my sister never quite forgave her for giving birth to her without her permission - factor thatSmiley LOL


Maybe she wanted to be a duck....



Message 106 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

Yeah I get slammed for not agreeing with the majority. I see forcing a vaccine injection against someone's will as rape, you don't,,  it's as simple as that. We can't have a diffrence of opinion?, without it turning into a bash Joanie topic? I said I don't have all the answers, just that I respect a person's freedom and rights over themself.


and thats setting aside if or not the vaccines are harmfull. I could be posting all kinds of proof and cases of perminate damage and deaths resulting from a given vaccine. The other toxic additives in some vaccines that you may not know about. Yes some cases have been disproven, but others are valid, and not all are bad. So why not give each person (of age) the choice and let them live with the conciquences of their choice? Least until we can find a better way to deal with the problem.


I was offered the flu shot, but remember that at best it can only protect from last years flu. at worst, there might be something else in there from a greedy drug company who cators to a corrupt government. Probibly not, but my body, my choice as it should be. Luckally, my doctor's office didn't rape me, as i would have seen it as no less.


Fun Factor : Now you have a choice in chat, factor that
Message 107 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

Yeah I get slammed for not agreeing with the majority. I see forcing a vaccine injection against someone's will as rape, you don't,


And I see that refusing to vaccinate against the big three, smallpox, diptheria and whooping cough is to risk exposing the community to those scourges.


Four; smallpox, diptheria, whooping cough and polio


My freedom stops when it begins to encroach upon the freedom of others.


I might want to maintain my right to freedom to be vulnerable to disease, but if my doing so exposes others in my community to those diseases then it's quite understandable that those in my community  would want to hunt me down, bearing pitchforks and flaming torches.





Message 108 of 108
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