on 06-01-2015 02:19 AM
Shopping at my local Woolies, wanted 1 x lemon ......horrified to find all 3 differently packaged items containing lemons were ALL IMPORTED FROM USA
single (tiny) lemons IMPORTED from USA
String bags of (tiny) lemons IMPORTED from USA
String bags of (tiny) lemons and (tinier) limes , limes from Australia and lemons IMPORTED from USA.
I will call into a friends tomorrow morning and ask for a few from her tree.
Solved! Go to Solution.
on 06-01-2015 07:31 AM
on 06-01-2015 07:37 AM
Aus industry, both agriculture and manufacturing has been systematically dismantled over the last 50 years or so.
All we'll have soon is the mining industry, and that's not even ours anymore.
on 06-01-2015 11:25 AM
My neighbours lemon tree fruits all year round, I have a bag in the fridge, going to make lemon butter.
on 06-01-2015 02:38 PM
Luckily, for you - and me, Paints - the answer is simple: Bunbury Farmers Market - cheaper, fresher and always as local as they can obtain it. (and no, they don't employ me I just love the place and try to do all my shopping there)
on 06-01-2015 03:40 AM
i grow my own
slightly differs to what you buy, it's a miniture variety, kinda sweetish
on 06-01-2015 03:45 AM
Two lemon trees and one lime tree in my backyard......in the USA.
on 06-01-2015 03:51 AM
.....no worries maaaate!.....just that with all the unemployment banter cannot understand for the life of me why Woolworths, purport to be The Fresh Food People offer us IMPORTED lemons!!
I want LOCAL LEMONS PLEASE!!.....I do not have room to plant a citrus tree or I would have. Got cumquat tree growing in a pot. Lemon did not work out in a pot.
on 06-01-2015 04:00 AM
Could be just an availability thing:
on 06-01-2015 04:44 AM
A time existed when fruit was seasonal, it came and went iin the shops.
Now we spend milions shipping it all over the world so it is never out of stock.
06-01-2015 04:48 AM - edited 06-01-2015 04:49 AM
..... the lemon trees in Bunbury have lemons on them atm.....yet a 'chart' states this is a 'grey area' ref availability
Does not compute
on 06-01-2015 04:58 AM
Some trees seem to have lemonds at odd times. One of our trees at my parents house was the same.
on 06-01-2015 04:59 AM
@paintsew007 wrote:.....no worries maaaate!.....just that with all the unemployment banter cannot understand for the life of me why Woolworths, purport to be The Fresh Food People offer us IMPORTED lemons!!
I want LOCAL LEMONS PLEASE!!.....I do not have room to plant a citrus tree or I would have. Got cumquat tree growing in a pot. Lemon did not work out in a pot.
paintsew, We worry about imports here too, but mostly those from China. I don't ever buy garlic imported from China....they grow it using human poop.
Most of our grocery stores here in the US say where the fruit or vegetable was grown. I always found it strange to see some oranges imported from Mexico or South America when Florida is the orange growing capitol of the world. I guess Florida is busy exporting to Mexico and South America....doesn't make much sense to me.
I prefer locally grown too and try to support our local farmer whenever I can.
on 06-01-2015 05:08 AM
yes, I don't buy F & V grown in China .....nor does my Chinese sis-in-law!! She was the one that educated me on NOT to buy Chinese imported fresh goods and the reason you stated. It is true 'poop veg' !! *eeeuuuuuuwW!
New Zealand has a recent Trade agreement thingy with China.....and NZ import a LOAD of F & V into their country....which in turn NZ exports out.....and quite a lot to Australia!! Hence the reason why I NEVER buy anything labelled from NZ and especially when label states that could be made up of imported and local ingredients from NZ.
I used to always buy NZ kiwi fruit.....years back it was a beautiful, juicy and softish fruit.....now they are tasteless, often sour and definitely hard as golf balls......'flattish' too rather than bulbous. I suspect these kiwi fruit now come from China -to- NZ -to- Australia.