A lemon, lemon

Shopping at my local Woolies, wanted 1 x lemon ......horrified to find all 3 differently packaged items containing lemons were ALL IMPORTED FROM USA


single (tiny) lemons IMPORTED from USA


String bags of (tiny) lemons IMPORTED from USA


String bags of (tiny) lemons and (tinier) limes , limes from Australia and lemons IMPORTED from USA.



I will call into a friends tomorrow morning and ask for a few from her tree. 

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A lemon, lemon

Similar pricing problem experienced with a Coles store here Amber.  But I can understand the not-bothering-about-it.


Returned to store and ended up getting it for free.Smiley Embarassed


What are the squirt-bottles of lemon or lime juices like, anyone?



Message 31 of 41
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A lemon, lemon

The bottled lemon juice is ok in tea.

And is probably ok for other things as well.

Message 32 of 41
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A lemon, lemon


I also dont like the heat.

I freeze coke bottles of water and take them with me.
Makes a big difference being able to have a cold dink and keep the fluids up.
Message 33 of 41
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A lemon, lemon

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

@*mrgrizz* wrote:

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

Luckily, for you - and me, Paints - the answer is simple: Bunbury Farmers Market - cheaper, fresher and always as local as they can obtain it. (and no, they don't employ me Smiley LOL I just love the place and try to do all my shopping there)

you think parking/traffic is bad there now? just wait for the Masters store to go in across the road

It was pretty full on just before Christmas, but I have to say they handled it extremely well with lots of parking attendants directing people to bays as they were vacated. It can get very busy at other times but we've never had to drive round a second time to find a spotWe avoid schol drop off and pick up times - I imagine all those schools along Vittoria Road  arent too happy about the increased traffic. .

I hadn't heard about the Masters store - tell me more. 

masters hardware are meant to have bought the site on the opposite side of vittoria street. don't know when they plan to open. they are losing heaps of money

Message 34 of 41
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A lemon, lemon

Deb, the bottled juices are ok but not really the same as fresh. Wouldn't put them in a gin and tonic. Have put them into lime/lemon chilli sauce but again prefer fresh juice. Had it on hand for an emergency but used a couple of times only.


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 35 of 41
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A lemon, lemon

i agree with both aps and icy.....saying that the way Australia is going- losing agricultural businesses etc we won't have anything left.....and aps points out- how once we just bought what was put on the shop shelves and what was in season......."Now we spend millions shipping it all over the world" . Yes we have to have it all don't we? we're never happy! Read once where the writer, a nutritionist said that we should keep our bodies 'in-sync' and eat only what was growing locally and in-season. 


This article is interesting, could apply anywhere in the world in the very near future IMO....



"The age of the 3,000-mile Caesar salad is coming to an end.".....


"Kunstler says that big cities will become more population-dense at their centers and along waterfronts, but they'll essentially contract as people move to smaller cities and to towns. "Places that will be successful in the future are places ... that have some kind of meaningful relationship to food production, because we're going to have to grow a lot more of our food locally," he says. "The age of the 3,000-mile Caesar salad is coming to an end."



Message 36 of 41
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A lemon, lemon


"that we should keep our bodies 'in-sync' and eat only what was growing locally and in-season. "



That depends on how you define local.



I wouldn't say local local but to a certain degree, within Aus.






Message 37 of 41
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A lemon, lemon

I've always heard that we should eat honey that was produced close to home.  It supposedly builds up one's immune system.  Maybe it has to do with allergies.  I'm going to have to research this one. 🙂


I do try very hard to buy close to home.  Not only food, but all goods.  I think it's important to support one's community and especially small business owners.

Message 38 of 41
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A lemon, lemon


"It supposedly builds up one's immune system.  Maybe it has to do with allergies. "



Let kids play outside in the dirt and get dirty - even do what kids normally do, eat dirt, touch mould, lick and suck things they shouldn't, be exposed to as many germs as possible.


Let them play in the sea, rivers, creeks, with animals, get stomach bugs, diarrhea, catch colds, the flu, measles, chicken pox, mumps, whooping cough, in fact, if I had ever had kids, I'd had made sure they caught measles and chicken pox and well before senior school.


And Honey does boost your immune system. And drink Milk !!!


Sterility and Sterile environments are the last thing the majority of children need.

Message 39 of 41
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A lemon, lemon


Oh, you can add let your kid get scratched by thorns, scraped knees / elbows by falling over etc etc.

Which if they play sport they will get most of the above anyway !




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