A parents revenge!

Check out what this mum has done to get back at her child! Not sure how to add links so I am putting the listing title...hopefully thats ok. 
4 X one direction tickets sydney Friday 25th October

My girls would kill me!!!

Message 1 of 46
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Re: A parents revenge!

I don't believe the story anyway because no mother would say to her daughter "Tricks like this on OUR parents is how HALF of you were conceived .....And why a lot of your friends DONT have an address to send that Fathers day card to!!!"


That's pretty disgusting.  Maybe if she wasn't such a horrible mother then she wouldn't have a lippy wayward daughter biggrin2.gif

Message 11 of 46
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Re: A parents revenge!

i actually messaged the seller and said i support what she is doing and that her ausction has it global on facebook


She replied that she is in shock and has received over 1000 emails.


I saw someone had posted a link to her auction on the Sunrise fb page as well

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 12 of 46
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Re: A parents revenge!

I'd say the kids in question are bidding on these tickets themselves to make absolutely certain that nobody will buy them at such a ridiculous price, in the hope that the mother will finally relent and allow them to go to the concert after all, rather than losing out on the tickets altogether.
Message 13 of 46
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Re: A parents revenge!

ohh yeh, a "horrible mother" that spends at least $500.00 on tickets to a concert for her daughter and 3 friends.


*insert eye roll*

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 14 of 46
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Re: A parents revenge!

IS there someting she can do to the auction to get rid of the silly bidders?

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 15 of 46
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Re: A parents revenge!

Threads like these tells you a lot about people.

Message 16 of 46
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Re: A parents revenge!

yes, they sure do

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 17 of 46
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Re: A parents revenge!

i don't think she can daydream


unless she cancels all the bids and changes it to a BIN listing and  get people to email her first with their intentions.


or she gets a friend to sell them for her without mentioning it all.


Message 18 of 46
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Re: A parents revenge!

you must live a sheltered life if you think parents wouldn't say that to their kids.


i wouldn't say it to mine  but there are parents out there who do.

Message 19 of 46
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Re: A parents revenge!

I've emailed her and suggested that she cancel the auction and relist the tickets as BIN with payment required immediately, so that none of the kids or their friends will be able to buy them then not pay. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Message 20 of 46
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