And so it begins........ 1,400 jobs gone.


Almost a quarter of scientists, researchers and workers at Australia's premier science institution will lose their jobs under the federal government's present public service jobs freeze.

The blanket staff freeze across the public service threatens the jobs of 1400 "non-ongoing" workers at the CSIRO and could paralyse some of the organisation's premier research projects, with a ban on hiring, extending or renewing short-term contracts effective immediately.


The impact of the freeze on the CSIRO follows fears expressed in the scientific community about the Abbott government's failure to nominate a dedicated science minister out of his cabinet or ministerial team. The concerns have been heightened by subsequent decisions, including the closure of the global waming advisory body the Climate Change Commission, and revelations on Thursday that Australia will not be sending its Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, or any ministerial stand-in to international climate change negotiations starting on Monday in Warsaw.


The freeze is part of the Abbott government's plan to cut 12,000 jobs from the public service.

On Friday, the government will also announce the immediate dismantling of a raft of government advisory bodies, expert panels and national steering committees, covering diverse areas including ageing, legal affairs, ethics and animal welfare. Federal cabinet this week signed off on the changes, which will see a dozen "non-statutory" bodies axed altogether, and several more amalgamated with other bodies or absorbed into existing departmental functions.


Prime Minister Tony Abbott repeatedly promised before the election that a Coalition government would dramatically reduce the size of the bureaucracy and would do away with thousands of regulations said to be clogging the economy.

"There are currently more than 50,000 Acts and legislative instruments, many of which are a handbrake on Australia's ability to get things done," Mr Abbott said.


The bodies scrapped are: Australian Animals Welfare Advisory Committee; Commonwealth Firearms Advisory Committee; International Legal Services Advisory Committee; National Inter-country Adoption Advisory Council; National Steering Committee on Corporate Wrongdoing; Antarctic Animal Ethics Committee; Advisory Panel on the Marketing in Australia of Infant Formula; High Speed Rail Advisory Group; Maritime Workforce Development Forum; Advisory Panel on Positive Ageing; Insurance Reform Advisory Group; and the National Housing Supply Council.


At the CSIRO, staff leaders fronted their bosses on Thursday, demanding answers on the fate of the workers on contracts, which can often last up to 24 months.


CSIRO has an unusually high proportion of “non-ongoings” with 990 “term” workers and about 440 casual staff among its 6500 headcount.


"It's going to be a huge problem," said one staff member, who wanted to remain anonymous.

Staff were told last week of the decision, which will hit the organisation's 11 research divisions and 11 national research flagships, as well as critical support for frontline scientists.


In an email to staff, CSIRO chief executive Megan Clarke said: "I announce an immediate recruitment freeze covering the following: External recruitment; and, entering into any new, or extending existing term or contract employment arrangements."

Catriona Jackson, the chief executive of Science and Technology Australia, the peak lobby for the nation's scientists, said she was "concerned that cuts to the public service may fall disproportionately on scientists".

West Australian federal Liberal Dennis Jensen, himself a former research scientist at CSIRO, said the suggestion that the government had an anti-science bias was incorrect.


But he admitted the failure to have a dedicated science minister worried him.

"That does concern me," he said.


"If somebody wanted to raise a concern from one of the Cooperative Research Centres, often a bridge between academia and industry, then who would they write to? Do they write to the education minister or the industry minister, I think that is the major problem, that the focus and drive of a single minister is lost."


Labor's spokesman for the environment, climate change and water, Mark Butler, said he wasn't surprised that scientists were being sacked by the government, say Mr Abbott does not respect scientists' work, particulary on climate change.

''And I don't think it's a coincidence that the experts being sacked by this government have previously pointed out the serious flaws in the Coalition's direct action con,'' Mr Butler said.



Message 1 of 53
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And so it begins........ 1,400 jobs gone.

Not surprising, they will need to increase the police force on the other hand to deal with all those gun happy new australians though.

Message 2 of 53
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And so it begins........ 1,400 jobs gone.

I thought we bought all the guns back, so how are the "new Australians" getting them?......


As for the OP, 1400 is only a little over 10% of the 12,000 goal. Presumedly, there are at least another 8 sectors to be similarly hit.


Every change of management, whether it be a country, business or household involves restructuring and change commensurate with the current goals and objectives, just as there is change and restructuring when any new objectives and goals are contemplated within a statically managed organisation.


And at least three of those advisory committees have finished the tasks for which they were set up, so is it any wonder that they are now being scrapped? You need to look at the purpose for which each Committee/Panel was established and if those purposes have been acheived before being concerned about their abolition.

Message 3 of 53
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And so it begins........ 1,400 jobs gone.

I believe that some of them have not finished what they were set up to do. 

But in any case, it always benefits  employers if there is high unemployment because it means they will  have a submissive workforce & good choice of people desperate to get a job, who will accept any conditions. 


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 4 of 53
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And so it begins........ 1,400 jobs gone.

Like I said the big surprises will come in the new year. It'll be interesting to see what the polls say then.
Message 5 of 53
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And so it begins........ 1,400 jobs gone.

A brilliant move to cull all the committees/discussion panels of the deadwood that has accumulated under the stewardship of the wasteful labor government. Most of those committees/discussion panels were just "jobs for the boys", no wonder that budget surplus was never reached, not even close in 6 years. However there was a lot of hot air generated by all those committees/discussion panels.


Even now in opposition Labor is generating hot air.

But that is to be expected

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 6 of 53
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And so it begins........ 1,400 jobs gone.

how do mass sackings help anybody ? will the savings benefit all australians ? obviously not.

Message 7 of 53
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And so it begins........ 1,400 jobs gone.

There are 140,000,000 good reasons to chop the deadwood.

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 8 of 53
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And so it begins........ 1,400 jobs gone.

140,000,000 per year I might add

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 9 of 53
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And so it begins........ 1,400 jobs gone.

 its merely the persuit of a narrow ideaology. a vision of no vision so to speak. the net gain is minimal compared to the social loss.

Message 10 of 53
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