Another Day In Paradise

Phil Collins. I love this tune, but it makes me think of something that happened to me 12 or so years ago.


Coming out of work one evening (about 8pm as I recall) in George Street, Sydney. It was a very cold night and I was appropriately rugged up. At that time I parked my car in one of the multi-level car parks which was about 300 yards up the road from where I worked.


I was approached by this young girl (late teens / early 20s), very scantily clad. I thought at the time how dreadfully cold she must be. She claimed to be homeless and nothing to eat. She was looking for some help.



I was aware that at that time, some gangs were running the streets with a bunch of girls running cons for money - they weren't, as far as I know, prostitutes but were playing on the sympathies of gullible people to gain financial support and later bigger and bigger financial gains.


Call me gullible, I gave her some money. I felt as I got in my car and turned on the heater that I would have liked to take that poor wretch home with me. Now, I know what you are all going to say, but save it, I had no carnal thoughts about the girl.


I often wonder, especially when I hear 'Another Day in Paradise", whether she was genuine and how she wound up.



Thoughts anyone?


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Re: Another Day In Paradise



here you go Rabbit I like that one too


as for the girl, I hope she found her way

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Re: Another Day In Paradise

I always give money to people if they approach me. Whatever gold coins I have in my purse. It's not much.


Hansom Gransom and I were sitting on a bench at Circular Quay recently when a scruffy skinny trampy-looking bloke came up and asked us for a dollar (for the phone) so I gave him $4.


He headed straight for a nearby tobacconist shop. Woman Very Happy

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Re: Another Day In Paradise

Thoughts anyone?


Other than looking up this song and checking it out, Thinking about how hard it might be for someone (assuming they are genuine) to ask for help from just anyone off the street.


Almost a year ago, When i came out of court and found that my ride fell through, I walked to a Walmart and waited inside to stay out of the cold, There was a Subway in there, something about me sitting there trying to reach anyone on the phone to come get me, (thats when you find out who your friends are not BTW)  prompted someone to buy me a sandwich sub or something. That was uncomfortable and I tried to decline, but they insisted. I wasn't even hungry and far from starving, I just needed a ride. Between that and those who offer me their clothing as if i had tons of closet space, yeah, give a homesless person clothes, how about give them a shower or warm place to sleep? thats what they need.



I felt as I got in my car and turned on the heater that I would have liked to take that poor wretch home with me.

Now, I know what you are all going to say, but save it, I had no carnal thoughts about the girl.


I don't know what carnal means, but I was only going to say that if you have valuables in your home, they might not be there in the morning nor might she. I'll end this reply by injecting some humor


Soup Kitchen Nightmares-






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Re: Another Day In Paradise


I don't mind giving some coins to those who are in need.


As to this girl, who knows if it was a scam but you'd be surprised how warm you can be in not much

if you have good circulation and no wind chill factor.





Carnal Knowledge is a legal term for sex.



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Re: Another Day In Paradise

It was also a film starring Art Garfunkel 🙂
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Re: Another Day In Paradise

joanie Carnal Knowledge is a legal term for sex.


Oh, well thats not as bad as what I might have guessed. Carnal just has such a morbid sound to it. I've got the song up, half way through on pause now. Kinda depressing video, esspesally the holding cell part, enough of that.




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Re: Another Day In Paradise

"I don't know what carnal means, but I was only going to say that if you have valuables in your home, they might not be there in the morning nor might she."


As I said:"I was aware that at that time, some gangs were running the streets with a bunch of girls running cons for money - they weren't, as far as I know, prostitutes but were playing on the sympathies of gullible people to gain financial support and later bigger and bigger financial gains."



Yes, that was the aim of the group(s) of con-merchants. I prefer to think that she may have been innocent.

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Re: Another Day In Paradise

I prefer to think that she may have been innocent.


Possibly, but what it all boils down to is temptation. There was a time when I had many nice things in a home, and I would have been worried about bringing in an unknown guest. Thanks to the known sheriffs, I no longer have that problem. If I ever get into an apartment and see someone where I am now or worse off, I'd most likely invite them in to stay long as they didn't smoke.


My point is she might have had no intention of stealing from you, but if you did have anything tempting, not sure if you would have or not. lets just say it could be tempting. At the very least i'd delve into that slowly,


I was working on an arrangment with a woman in the room with me in the homeless shelter. She just had been approved for an apartment and offered for me to take my showers there. Even though she probibly just had plans to make me her regular babbysitter for her two kids, I was looking forward to it for the regular showers or an occasional bath, but before we could exchange notes, i was ran out by the police. That will a problem even when i get into an apartment, getting criminal trespassed from my own place.


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