on 11-02-2013 03:24 PM
Sing a song of politics - a season full of woe.
Libs and Labs and Greenies, going toe to toe.
As the day approaches, they all begin to brawl,
What a sorry spectacle to set before us all.
Julia's in the tax office, trying to make us leaner,
Tony's in the boardroom, cosying up to Gina,
Christine's in the garden, talking to the pixies,
Time for the electorate to blow them all to bitses. (metaphorically speaking of course)
on 11-02-2013 03:41 PM
i think you are too kind 🙂
on 11-02-2013 03:49 PM
howard's former chief of staff reckoned that australians should be kickin' her (meanin' julia) to death, some strange reason never got to page 1 of the murdoch press.
on 11-02-2013 03:50 PM
he's angling for a seat isn't he ?
on 11-02-2013 03:52 PM
howard's former chief of staff reckoned that australians should be kickin' her (meanin' julia) to death, some strange reason never got to page 1 of the murdoch press.
Did he add a 'metaphorical' disclaimer though?;-)
on 11-02-2013 04:08 PM
Bag 'em All
Bag 'em All
The Long and the Short and the Tall
Bag all the Pollies in Red Green & Blue
Bag the Apologists, they're drongo's too
'Cause we're gonna be baggin 'em all
And intro the trenches they'll Crawl
They're Cunning Vote Buyers,
But all Blo*dy Liars,
So who cares who wins Bag 'em All
on 11-02-2013 04:22 PM
Bag 'em All
Bag 'em All
The Long and the Short and the Tall
Bag all the Pollies in Red Green & Blue
Bag the Apologists, they're drongo's too
'Cause we're gonna be baggin 'em all
And intro the trenches they'll Crawl
They're Cunning Vote Buyers,
But all Blo*dy Liars,
So who cares who wins Bag 'em All
Five smiley face award!
on 12-02-2013 09:44 AM
(To the Tune of Macnamara's Band) - BTW, great thread.
(NOTE: ALP will cop it too when time allows, so keep your shirt on LNP voters= this is called Parody)
Oh, me name is Tony Abbott, I'm the leader of the Libs
Although we’re not articulate, we're good at telling fibs
We’ll nag the Aussie people until they get our point
If we can’t have the power, then we’ll wreck the Blo*dy joint
Oh, Stop the Taxes on the rich & send the boats away
Give away our mineral wealth & make the punters pay
For all the infrastructure, all the waste & all the strife
Unless you’re Gina Rinehart, you’ll be paying all your life
Oh, the propaganda’s thick & fast, & no facts come into play
If we can’t win, we’ll hunt them out, the mud sticks anyway
We’ll slander and defame them, till everyone gets the point
If we can’t have the power, then we’ll wreck the Blo*dy joint.
on 12-02-2013 11:11 AM
on 12-02-2013 11:25 AM
Monman, you seriously need to get out more and have fun...nobody likes a killjoy